Yoga For Couples: A Way To Strengthen Your Relationship

Encourage your partner to join you in yoga and together you will have an extraordinary experience. Yoga for couples is a way to strengthen the relationship.
Yoga for couples: a way to strengthen your relationship

a different and fun way to take advantage of all the benefits of yoga

require teamwork and mutual trust

Yoga Exercises for Couples

1. sitting meditation

couple practicing yoga
Synchronizing the breath allows for greater connection.

start with meditation

  • sit on your back with your legs crossed ( Sukhasana ) or intertwined with your feet on the thighs in the lotus position.
  • Afterwards, both should close their eyes and concentrate on their breathing.

Both can try to synchronize the inhalations and exhalations

2. Sitting Twist ( Parivritta Sukhasana )

Yoga posture for couples
In Parivritta Sukhasana, both should turn their torso to the side.
  • couple should turn their trunk to the left until they reach their partner’s right knee with their left hand.
  • Therefore, the right hand should rest on the left knee.

3. Forward and Back Stretch

Yoga posture for couples
One’s waist lengthens the other’s back.
  • First, stay in the back-to-back position with your legs crossed.
  • pulling the partner
  • Be careful not to hurt your back.

4. Position of the child

Stretches for couples
This position allows for a greater stretch of the back for both of you.
  •  on your heels.
  • Then ask him to bend his waist forward with his arms straight, until his chest is over his knees.
  • This pose helps to stretch your back even further.

5. Leg and waist stretch

pair yoga
Similar to the child’s position, but with legs straight.

Instead of drawing the legs in, they stretch forward, keeping them straight.

6. Position of the boat ( Navasana )

The position of the boat can be done with the legs outside or inside the arms
The position of the boat can be done with the legs outside or inside the arms.
  • First, sit facing each other with your legs straight, bringing the soles of your feet together.
  • You may want to keep them out of the arms or between them.

7. Back Stretch ( Urdhva Uttanasana )

Urdhva Uttanasana helps to stretch the back
Urdhva Uttanasana helps to stretch the back.
  • First, stand up, back to back.
  • Then, put your hands together and bend your entire body, from the feet and forward.
  • Afterwards, bend your back backwards, as if you want to bring your heads together.
  • can also be performed standing up, facing each other.

8. Sitting ( Utkatasana )

sitting position
The sitting position can evolve into Parivritta Utkatasana.
  • The couple should stand face to face and hold hands.
  • .
  • can extend to asana Parivritta Utkatasana

9. Opening the shoulders ( Uttanasana )

The Uttanasana position helps to stretch and open the shoulders.
The Uttanasana position helps you stretch and open your shoulders.
  • First, stand in front of each other with your arms straight, holding each other by the shoulders.
  • the waist is bent until your back is flush with the floor.

make yoga a routine they’ll both enjoy together,

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