Why Do Your Fingers Swell?

Why do fingers swell? Today we’ll talk about the most common causes, as well as some solutions for this problem.

You’ve probably felt pressure on your fingers and a slight inflammation at some point. The fingers of the hands swell and many times we are not able to remove the rings, for example.

Sometimes this happens while we are walking or in the middle of the afternoon. What is this due to? The causes that give rise to these classic swellings on the fingers are very varied. In this article we will talk a little about this subject.

Swelling in any part of the body is commonly due to fluid accumulation, and the fingers are an area where overexertion is very common.

The cause of this accumulation of fluids is due to poor circulation, even if sometimes they are also symptoms of other diseases, which we can prevent if we are aware of the symptoms. It’s worth getting to know them.

Why do fingers swell?


1. Poor circulation

Excess cholesterol, high or unbalanced blood pressure make our circulatory system flow more strongly and at high speed from the heart to the lungs.

We get more tired and, as a result, this circulatory intensity in our chest is decompensated both in the extremities and in the fingers of the hands. Our hands feel colder and our fingers feel swollen because our blood vessels open more and this translates into swelling and swelling.

2. Overweight

Obesity, or being overweight, causes changes in our lymphatic system, causing us to retain fluids in both our fingers and toes. We feel these swollen parts and the shoes start to tighten. We also feel our hands tingle when our fingers are swollen.

3. Swelling due to carpal tunnel syndrome

When we suffer from the so-called carpal tunnel syndrome in our hands, it is common to have reduced blood supply in this region due to a compression of the mediated nerve, which causes the sensation of numbness in the fingers, accompanied by cold and swelling.

4. Due to an allergic reaction

Sometimes we can come into contact with something foreign to our body. To defend ourselves, histamine is released into the bloodstream to fight it and this occasionally causes swelling in our fingers. Faced with this reaction, we need to take antihistamines.

5. Infection

Infection occurs when germs enter our skin through a lesion, sometimes a small cut is enough. It may happen that one of the fingers starts to swell and feel painful. Sometimes we may have infected tissue that, upon reaching the bone, causes fever.

6. Rheumatoid arthritis

Wear on our joints and cartilage can usually attack our fingers. What would the symptoms be? No matter how old you are, there is a sudden swelling on your fingers accompanied by a reddish tinge. It’s painful, especially in the mornings, and it’s common to feel stiff fingers and have difficulty moving them.

How do we treat swollen fingers?

1. Exercise to eliminate tingling and fluid retention

fingers swell

  • We can reduce fluid retention by moving the fingers as seen in the drawing. This movement causes the blood to flow and pump excess fluid out. It is simply moving your thumb in and out repeatedly. Something very simple can restore the balance of liquids.
  • Another suitable exercise is to bring both palms together (in a prayer position) and raise them above your head. This also helps us to offset our circulation.

2. Take natural diuretics


They will allow the elimination of liquids retained in our body. First, we must consume two liters of water a day. In our diet, we should include natural foods with diuretic powers, such as green tea, celery, carrots, tomatoes, onion, eggplant, asparagus, artichoke, watercress, cucumber, kale. brussels, lettuce etc.

3. Balanced and salt-free diet


If we have  a diet rich in fiber, vegetables and eliminating industrial fats, additives and salt, our body will improve, avoiding all fluid retention.

4. Compression gloves


If you often have swollen fingers and feel uncomfortable, you can use compression gloves, which are sold at pharmacies. They are very useful in these cases, as  they exert adequate pressure on the hands and fingers, releasing excess fluid.

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