White Tea: An Ally To Lose Weight

In addition to consuming white tea, it is recommended to maintain a healthy diet and practice physical activities, in addition to drinking more fluids.
White tea: an ally to lose weight

White tea has medicinal and antioxidant properties and is excellent for losing weight. Thanks to its low caffeine content, it is ideal to consume during the day without any risk.

This tea, by helping to speed up the metabolism, favors the burning of fat. It is also a diuretic and purifier, eliminating fluid retention.

White tea

White tea has its origins in China, a country that has a great reputation in natural medicine, and has a light color and a fruity taste. The Chinese know and have practice in the use of medicinal plants in the treatment of various diseases, an example is white tea.

Due to its distinct properties, it is an excellent way to lose weight naturally. It is not necessary to have a specific diet that includes this drink. However, it is recommended to drink only 3 cups a day : at breakfast, after lunch and before going to bed.

In addition, the consumption of white tea combined with healthy eating and exercise has a greater effect on weight reduction.

White tea diet to lose weight

White tea diet to lose weight


  • 1 glass of grapefruit or orange juice
  • One wholegrain bread toast with 1 tablespoon of low-fat cheese
  • a cup of white tea

Morning snack

  • A diet cereal bar or some fruit
  • A low-fat yogurt or a piece of diet cheese
  • A sugar-free fruit smoothie or some vegetables


  • A serving of skinless roasted chicken breast
  • A cup of homemade vegetable soup
  • A medium serving of cooked vegetables
  • a cup of fruit salad
  • a cup of white tea

Afternoon snack

  • A fruit
  • a low-fat yogurt
  • a cup of white tea

Other options for the afternoon snack include the same as the morning snack


  • A serving of homemade vegetable soup
  • A small portion of brown rice
  • A moderate serving of vegetable salad of your choice
  • A fruit
  • a cup of white tea

Remember that for the diet, we must be strict about portion sizes and not eat foods that contain too much sugar. We also recommend doing 40 minutes of exercise daily.

Benefits of White Tea

Favors cardiovascular health

Benefits of White Tea

It lowers high cholesterol and regulates blood pressure. In this way, it helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks.

It’s antioxidant

It is a more effective antioxidant than green tea due to its content of polyphenols and catechins, which are antioxidants that act against free radicals, in addition to strengthening the body.

It also prevents cell oxidation and has more vitamins than other beverages such as orange juice. Furthermore, it has the ability to rejuvenate the skin and protect it from exposure to sunlight and other external agents that can cause skin cancer.

Helps in the digestive system

It favors the digestion of foods with fat and makes the intestinal transit more effective.

It’s antibiotic and stimulant

It reduces tiredness and speeds up mental performance without having side effects on sleep due to its low percentage of caffeine. Furthermore, it activates the body’s defenses, preventing infections.

Reduces the risk of cancer

A study at the University of Kingston, England, revealed that white tea is effective in reducing the risk of diseases such as cancer, arthritis or diabetes.

In addition to having anti-inflammatory qualities, University Science Professor Declan Naughton stated that: “Drinking a cup of white tea a day helps to reduce the risk of inflammation and therefore the risk of cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and , including warts.”

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