White Beans: A Slimming Ally

An ally that prevents the body from absorbing fat, fights diabetes and is still a source of energy?
White beans: an ally for weight loss

It is not a remedy: scientists claim that white beans can be an excellent ally for weight loss  and that, if consumed before meals, can reduce the absorption of carbohydrates in the body.

There are many advantages: because they are part of the legume family, beans (regardless of color) are rich in potassium, zinc, iron and vitamins, especially those of the B complex.

In other words, a spoonful of beans helps repair muscle fibers, regulate blood pressure, prevent anemia – and as women are common victims of lack of iron, it’s a great tip to add it to the women’s daily menu – and reinforce the immune system.

understand how it works

But what about white beans? Because it is rich in a protein called phaseolamine, which inhibits the digestion process of carbohydrates, it slows down the absorption of glucose into the blood, which comes from the breakdown of carbohydrates. In other words, a little white beans before meals can prevent the absorption of up to 20% of carbohydrates.

However, to enjoy all its benefits, it is necessary to pay attention to the way of preparation. Since phaseolamine is a protein, it can be denatured and lose its properties when cooked. In other words, the best way to enjoy these benefits is to eat it raw; in the form of flour.

Also read: Flour-free diet: benefits and consequences


How to prepare white bean flour

Preparing her is not difficult. The tip is to wash the beans and then leave them to dry in the sun or on a paper towel – it is not recommended to dry the beans in the oven . After drying, take the beans to a blender, crush them and pass them through a sieve. The flour can be preserved for a maximum of 40 days.

how to consume

Consumption should also be moderate, as raw beans contain toxins that, in excess, can cause diarrhea – and it is also common for people to report feeling gas after consuming the food.

But consuming it moderately, the advantages are worth it: a teaspoon of flour, consumed half an hour before lunch, diluted in a glass of water , is enough to guarantee the ingestion of phaseolamine in ideal conditions to be good for the body. And no exaggeration – increasing the dose won’t double the positive effects.

Also read: 8 high fiber foods

thinnest woman

Good news, isn’t it? But don’t dismiss the other types of beans. They are high in fiber and therefore give a greater feeling of satiety, which is an important factor in weight-loss diets.

Together, the advantages of consuming beans can be even greater than consuming soybeans – with the advantage that it is, traditionally, a dish that cannot be missed on the table and on the taste of Brazilians.

Images courtesy of quinn.anya and cookbookman17

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