To Be Happy You Must Learn To Stay Away From Certain People

It is important to stay away from those people who prevent us from growing and being happy, and who infect us with a series of concerns that have nothing to do with us.
To be happy you must learn to distance yourself from certain people

Staying away from certain people improves physical and emotional health. In fact, we can say that to be happy we need to distance ourselves from the conflicts that are caused by people who absorb our energy and nullify our ability to react.

In order to be free and feel good, we need to move away from certain people who cause emotional destruction, lack of stability, uncertainty and that sicken our emotional capacity and distort our sensitivity.

In this sense, it is essential to know that, in order to do this, it is necessary to prepare to stop meeting those people we thought we knew; realizing that living subject to their demands, judgments and behaviors only intoxicates.

What others think of you is their reality, not yours

Mother and daughter moving away from certain people

In this sense, know that, throughout life, we will find many people who do not know how to respect or consider the feelings, thoughts and beliefs of others.

This makes us feel used as puppets of other people’s bad moods, having to deal with the frustration that arises from these people’s internal and external conflicts.

It is likely that because of this, we feel that these people “neither live nor let live” and that, as a result, they are holding back our development and the growth of a relationship that could have been healthy but is being poisoned.

However, it may be that all this discomfort generated is not conscious, and that these people are drowning others without thinking about whether what they do or feel is harmful or not.

This is because they themselves are subjected to a spiral of their own problems, and that is why they are immersed and strongly trapped in this current from which it is only possible to get out with a lot of effort and concentration.

Learn to get away from certain people

Woman meditating to get away from certain people

We cannot always physically distance ourselves from people who make our daily lives difficult, since, for example, they may be family members, co-workers or people who are very present in our surroundings.

However, while we sometimes crave physical distance, what really makes the difference is emotional distance.

For this, you must work to have enough strength to stay out of your capacity for action and thus avoid being influenced with your behaviors and directed attitudes. But how can we do this?

Take the advantage that anticipation gives you

You know at what times and situations the person in question’s reactions are likely to arise, so take advantage of these intentions and protect yourself in advance.

Beware of the credit you give to others

Don’t give credit to comments that are just malicious and you know add nothing.

For this point we would like to share a traditional teaching that offers the possibility of filtering the comments of others and our own:

“The young disciple of a wise philosopher comes home and says:

– Master, a friend was talking about you with malevolence…

– Wait! – the philosopher interrupts him – Did you pass what you’re going to tell me through the three filters?

– The three filters? – asked his disciple.

– Yes. The first is the truth. Are you sure what you want to tell me is absolutely true?

– No. I just heard some neighbors talking.

– Then at least it will pass through the second filter, which is goodness. What do you want to tell me, is it good for anyone?

– No. Not really, quite the opposite…

– The last filter is the need. Is it necessary for me to know what you want to tell me so much?

– To tell you the truth, no.

– Then, said the sage smiling – if it is not true, it is neither good nor necessary; let it die only in the ear”.

Control your expectations

Woman happy because she distanced herself from certain people

Sometimes we expect so much from others that we are unable to accept reality as it is. In this sense, we must allow ourselves to “ignore” all those people from whom we expect a lot, but who only constantly disappoint us.

This will also allow you to reassess expectations in relation to others;  which can be very demanding, very partial, and can even be contaminated by a great malaise.

Once you manage to filter out bad actions, you will be able to focus on opportunities for growth and will no longer undermine forces as a consequence of the toxicity of the environment.

Keep perspective to achieve indifference

woman with fish

When you begin to feel like you’ve come off the emotional roller coaster you’ve been stuck on, you’ll be able to sort out the concerns that were conveyed by that person or by the environment you’re trying to detach from.

You will then be freed from the insecurities and disproportionate reactions that these conflicts have provoked. Once you make this point in your mind, things will clear up; in addition, she will be willing to expose her feelings, fears and thoughts.

This effort will pay off very quickly once you become aware of the need to get away from certain people. Life is so short that it is not worth submitting to unnecessary anguish.

So, love people who are good for you and keep your distance from those who do exactly the opposite.

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