Tips And Advice For Loving Without Suffering

Frustrations in relationships, unrequited love, platonic love sometimes lead many to renounce love. But trying again can always be positive. Check out the article and find out how.
Tips and advice for loving without suffering

There are many people who decide to renounce love simply because they don’t want to suffer again. Traumatic experiences from the past can make us think that way. But, here in this article, we invite you to be brave and try again. Why not?

freedom in love without suffering

It is commonly said that there is no emotional and affective relationship that does not cause a certain amount of suffering. In a way it’s understandable. A lot of feelings, a lot of emotions and even our own personal balance are at stake.

But, there are many couples who establish a lasting and healthy relationship, where happiness and a routine where two people can mutually enrich each other prevails. Why won’t you make it? It’s completely possible.

It is likely that throughout your life you have lived through difficult times, but we assure you that love is something that is always worth risking. But, of course, knowing how to protect yourself and knowing how to master some basic rules to always maintain self-esteem. Write down the following tips.

1. Know yourself well

freedom to love

Perhaps that phrase sounds too broad and general. But to establish a stable and mature relationship it is necessary to know ourselves well.

Do you know what your limits are? What would you never be willing to do or endure? What are your values? What causes you the most damage?

There are people who allow their values ​​to be broken, who let those personal boundaries cross, and who little by little destroy their self-esteem.

Keep in mind what you like and what you don’t like. Start a relationship maturely and securely. “I know who I am and I won’t let anyone destroy my integrity.”

2. Having a partner to be happy with, not cry

happiness in loving

Keep in mind one aspect: we maintain a relationship to be happy, to establish a commitment that will give us continuity and enrich us as people.

If at some point you start to realize that you have more tears than smiles, it’s time to start rethinking things.

However, few things are as intense in life as feeling loved and loving someone. It is worth it. Think that the goal is to be happy, and that trying one more time will certainly be gratifying. Because everyone deserves a second chance.

3. Always be yourself, don’t let them change you

be yourself to love others

You know yourself. You know that you are good at many things, that you are brave, capable and that you have many family and friends who love you. Your own self-esteem and the social circle you belong to demonstrate who you are and the virtues you possess.

If the person you like or are in love with questions your self-esteem or undervalues ​​you in something, don’t move on. We must flee from those who insult our personality and make us feel inferior. Two people come together to learn from each other, to enjoy, to laugh, to share and to grow.

From the moment you no longer feel like yourself, run away. However, if the person values ​​you as you are, wants you for your virtues and also for your faults, don’t let them go. And we ensure that there are people like that, people who deserve to be loved.

4. Don’t do everything for the other person, protect yourself


There are relationships where, out of love, we do everything for the person we love. To the point of losing our own integrity and our own self-esteem. Don’t let them manipulate you, blackmail you, act like emotional vampires.

Love must see an exchange where the two people offer equally, balancing the scales. “I offer it to you freely because I know you would do the same for me.”

If you offer without receiving anything and don’t get respect, you will be frustrated. The ideal is to find someone who wants us without expecting anything in return.

5. The importance of space itself

healthy love

Surely you have your passions, your hobbies, your tastes. Those things you like to do with your friends or family are things we shouldn’t give up because others force you to. Respect for personal spaces is vital to establishing a healthy love relationship.

One thing will be that shared time, where one should enjoy, where a life in common should be built, but everyone needs small moments of solitude to be with ourselves, loving and enriching moments with our friends.

We must keep in mind, if we “take away” these personal moments until we make them disappear because of the relationship, we will lose part of our identity and it will not be healthy.

But if the other person respects you and allows you to have your personal moments freely, have no doubt, it’s someone worth having.

Finally, remember, loving is not suffering. Loving is the ultimate expression of happiness and the will to live, it is an adventure that is really rewarding and that you also deserve.

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