This Ancient Remedy Can Cure Up To 100 Diseases

We all seek to improve our health in many ways. As the years go by, we become more likely to develop a lot of illnesses. How about we look for an old medicine to help?
This ancient remedy can cure up to 100 diseases

This care, combined with good nutrition, physical activity and other healthy habits will help us to maintain a good physical and mental condition. 

Garlic and red wine, two powerful ingredients, can bring us an extra benefit, as this ancient remedy can cure up to 100 different diseases related to:

  • respiratory system
  • immune
  • cardiovascular
  • liver, kidneys
  •  lymphatic system, among others.

What health benefits does garlic offer?

Red wine-old-garlic medicine

Raw garlic is a food and a great old medicine, because it has  antiseptic, fungicidal, bactericidal and depurative properties.

Allicin, a component of garlic, is responsible for fighting a large amount of viruses and bacteria, in addition to cleaning the body.

In addition to being rich in antioxidants, this ancient remedy has the ability to prevent and fight diseases such as:

  • the high cholesterol
  • high blood pressure
  • the flu and colds
  • digestive problems
  • infections
  • poor blood circulation, among others.

Garlic has been shown to have anticancer properties, so it can reduce the risk of stomach cancer by up to 50% and the risk of colorectal cancer by 66%.

We can say, in conclusion, that garlic is a superfood, because it helps us to increase defenses, prevent cancer, decrease cardiovascular risks and improve skin health.

What are the health benefits of red wine?

This ancient remedy, so famous and valued as a drink, is rich in antioxidants, in addition to having many nutrients that are good for the body.

Red wine is a healthy food when consumed in moderate amounts. However, we must not exceed two cups a day.

It is also an ancient remedy as we can use its powerful antioxidants to:

  • improve heart health
  • lower cholesterol
  • improve blood circulation
  • promote cell regeneration
  • help reduce obesity
  • cleanse the organism
  • improve cognitive function
  • prevent premature aging, among others.
Red wine-old medicine

Red wine also has astringent properties, anti-inflammatory action and can help fight oral bacteria associated with cavities.

We also emphasize that it  reduces the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle, while helping to keep the body in good condition.

There is also a relationship between the consumption of moderate amounts of red wine and a reduction in the risk of lung, breast and prostate cancer. 

This benefit is related to their high amounts of resveratrol.

How do you prepare garlic and red wine medicine to improve health?

The preparation of this ancient remedy will help us to  clear the blood, strengthen the immune system, while eliminating bad cholesterol.

In addition, it improves cardiovascular health, prevents diseases, improves skin health, fights infections, among other benefits.

  • 12 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 liter of good quality red wine
  • Cut each of the garlic cloves into four pieces, then mix them with the red wine in a glass jar.
  • Close the bottle tightly and store it for two weeks in a place that receives sunlight.
  • During this time, shake the bottle daily, two or three times a day.
  • Finally, strain the contents of the bottle and place it in another container or dark bottle.
  • Keep it that way and consume the recommended dose every day.

Dosage: take a small scoop of this drink three times a day for a month in a row. The ideal is to use this remedy at least twice a year.

VERY IMPORTANT! Always consult your doctor before using any preparation, even with natural products.

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