The Properties And Benefits Of Onion

The best way to enjoy the benefits of onion is to eat it raw. Thus, it stimulates the functioning of the liver, pancreas and gallbladder, while improving digestive activity.
The properties and benefits of onion

One of the essential foods in the kitchen is the onion, practically we can eat and cook it in all possible ways and it can be used to spice up any dish. Today we’ll talk about the benefits of onion.

In addition to its culinary qualities, the nutritional and even medicinal properties of onion make it a highly recommended food.

onion nutrients

The main component of the onion is water, responsible for 90% of its composition. So it’s surprising that in the remaining 10% we find so many nutrients and beneficial properties.

  • Essential oils, which account for most of the properties of onion, which we’ll discuss next, and which are also culprits in the irritating tears we suffer when peeling.
  • B group vitamins necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous and immune system, as well as vitamin E and C, with a powerful antioxidant action.
  • Various minerals and trace elements, such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium and sulfur among others.
  • Essential amino acids.
  • Fiber.
Onions are antibiotic and antiseptic, and are one of the best foods for the blood, preventing clots from forming.

The benefits of onion and its properties

One of the best known benefits of onion is its diuretic power, so it is highly recommended in patients with kidney failure, gout or hyperuricemia, kidney stones, edema or hypertension.

Due to its diuretic effect, but also because it is rich in water and fiber and is low in fat and sugar, it is essential in any diet. It has expectorant and bactericidal power in addition to being a fungicide.

It is very useful in processes such as colds, coughs, bronchitis, sore throat and other respiratory ailments. In fact, a widely used remedy in such cases is to place an onion cut in half by the bed overnight.

In recent years, the beneficial effects in the treatment of asthma and allergies have also been proven.

It is a powerful cardioprotector due to its antithrombotic, hypolipidic properties (which is the ability to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels) and acts as a hypotensive whenever consumed in a regular way.


More benefits of onion

The well-known purifying action of onion is due to the fact that it  is able to remove toxins and yeasts produced in the stomach after the digestion process,  which is also important to stimulate the liver, pancreas and gallbladder to secrete the necessary substances. .

These properties are only effective when we consume raw onions.

People who have a delicate stomach, suffer from heartburn or are prone to flatulence or bloating should avoid excessive consumption of onions.

The properties of onion are numerous;  we comment here only on the most important ones, which is why we recommend daily consumption, however, but preferably raw, as this is when the onion retains all its properties.

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