The Best Herbs And Spices For The Brain

Although we currently don’t have memory problems, it’s good to start consuming these herbs to optimize our brain activity and enjoy their benefits.
The best herbs and spices for the brain

Medicines can be a great help to you and your health, but the truth is, when we talk about what’s good for brain health, it’s sometimes worth choosing natural alternatives. Read on for the best herbs for the brain.

These herbs will promote mental oxygenation and are also great for helping to improve memory. The recommendations we offer will also be of great help if you suffer from anxiety or need some type of protection against brain tumors because of a family history.

The best herbs for the brain

parsley and thyme

Apigenin is a flavonoid present in these herbs. It is good for strengthening the connections between neurons and stem cells.

Some researchers indicate that a diet rich in apigenin could influence brain cell formation and communication.

Therefore, parsley and thyme are among the best herbs and spices for containing this chemical.

In addition, they could also  help prevent depression, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Maybe you haven’t heard about apigenin before, but you’ve heard about estrogen. The chemical structure of these two compounds is similar, as estrogen also helps in the development of neurons.

Apigenin causes the same types of cellular changes as estrogen.


Who doesn’t have chamomile tea bags at home? If you like it a lot, now you’ll have all the more reason to drink this drink while chatting with your family in the morning or simply watching the sunset.

Present among the best herbs and spices, chamomile is a true and proven stress-buster.

Not only does it provide a feeling of peace and calm, it  also helps to regulate anxiety. Chamomile contains compounds that can bind to receptors for certain chemicals in the brain, reducing anxiety in the process.

Our recommendation is to have a cup of chamomile tea at night, before bed. It will relax your system, so you’ll be able to sleep much better.


When there is memory loss, it is very difficult to get it back. However, its functions can be optimized. If we’re talking about the best herbs for the brain, we couldn’t miss the one that seems to improve people’s memory performance.

If you want to excel in learning, memory and attention, you  already know what to ask for when entering a health food store.

However, you should be cautious when considering salvia supplements and consult your doctor before consuming it, as it can be dangerous for some people, such as those with high blood pressure.


Garlic is not a cure for brain tumors, as has been speculated for years. What is known is that  among its properties is the ability to kill cancer cells in the brain.

Although not fully proven, it is progress that everyone should know about.

Best of all, garlic can be added to your diet as a delicious spice to your recipes.


This is one of the herbs that should never be lacking in your kitchen. Mint  is of great help in improving working memory in healthy adults.

Furthermore, it is also a common cure for nausea.

You can drink it as a tea with a little honey. You’ll see how, in twenty minutes, you’ll experience an improvement in mood, working memory, and even long-term memory.

If you prefer a good vitamin that provides energy and nutrients, add some fresh mint leaves to the mix and enjoy its refreshing flavor!


This herb has a delicious aroma in essential oil and  its aroma can improve the prospective memory of those over 65 years of age.

You might be wondering what prospective memory is. It is the ability to remember specific events and tasks that will happen in the future, such as the doctor’s appointment, our birthday, or our children’s birthdays.

So, if you want to improve the prospective memory of a loved one or even your own, follow this recommendation.

This technique has already been proven in comparative studies with people over 65 years of age in a lavender-scented house, a rosemary-scented house, and a non-scented house.

Now that you know the best herbs for the brain, be sure to add them to your recipes and infusions.

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