The Best Exercises To Keep A Nice Hip

When doing exercises to shape the hip we must be constant with the practice and accompany it with a balanced diet so that the results are better. Write down the best exercises to keep a nice hip
The Best Exercises to Maintain a Beautiful Hip

You have to  put effort into keeping a nice hip and a defined body. That’s why we decided to select the best exercises to keep a nice hip.

If, in your case, your hips are small, or the complete trio (hips, glutes, legs), you may need to work a little harder to reach that desired point. These exercises will help you.

Staying in shape is essential to maintaining good health. So, write down and start performing from now on  the best exercises to keep a nice hip.

1. Leg to the sides

Woman doing exercise to keep a nice hip.

To perform this exercise, you must stand still, keeping your back completely straight. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart as you cross your arms over your chest.

  • The exercise consists of  lifting your right leg as high as possible to the side, while at the same time doing an arm split to keep yourself in balance.
  • You must remain in this position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position.
  • You must perform the exercise with both legs.
  • Do three sets of eight reps, four with each leg.

Once you have mastered the exercise, increase to 12 reps per leg. The results will fascinate you.

2. Squat

For this exercise you can stand near a wall if you need help.

When you’re ready, stand straight, with your feet slightly apart, shoulder width apart, and your arms at your sides.

  • The exercise consists of  keeping your back straight while contracting your abdominal muscles.
  • Extend your arms forward as your body gently lowers until your hips are level with your knees.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position.
  • Do three sets of 15 reps.

When you have mastered the exercise, increase to 20 reps. If you find it too difficult to keep your balance in the air, you can support yourself  on the wall while your hands rest on your thighs.

3. Squat variation

Exercises to keep a nice hip

In this squat variant, the first thing to do is  stand up straight, with your back straight so that no injuries occur. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and your hands on your waist.

  • The exercise involves taking a step forward, first with your left leg, so that you  bend them at an angle of approximately 90 degrees.
  • Bend your right knee at the same time, being careful not to touch the floor.
  • Hold for a few seconds and return to starting position.
  • Now do this with the opposite leg. Starting with this exercise, you should perform 3 sets of 8 reps, four times with each leg.

4. Body tilt

For this exercise, you should stand with your back always straight and your feet shoulder-width apart.

  • The exercise consists of  leaning over, taking care to maintain your posture. The feet must be kept in the same position. You should feel a slight bend in your back as you hold your head up.
  • When bending  your torso, it should be parallel to the floor  and, at the same time, your legs should bend slightly.
  • Return to starting position and perform 4 sets of 15 reps.

5. Squat jumping

Woman doing squats to keep a nice hip.

In the starting position, you should stand with your feet slightly apart, shoulder-width apart. Your back should be straight.

  • Then you should perform a squat, making a big inspiration.
  • Lower so that your glutes are parallel to the floor. If you’re ready, you can download a little more.
  • Now,  as you exhale, make a strong jump up, with the momentum of both feet.
  • You must make the jump as high as you can. Your glutes act like a spring.
  • When you get back to the ground and your feet are on the ground, breathe in and do the squat again. Do 4 sets of 12 reps each.

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