The Best Drinks To Lose Weight

Today many people are looking for easy and effective methods to lose weight. Most get carried away by products that miraculously promise to help them,

Today, many people are looking for easy and effective methods to lose weight.  Most get carried away by products that promise to miraculously help them, many go on diets, and some get more and more exercise.


However, it is important to mention that an adequate way to lose weight must include both a diet and physical activities.

Therefore, it is very difficult for a person to be able to lose weight considering only one of these alternatives, without striving to carry out a complete plan and reach their goal.

Within this plan, of course, as we already mentioned, we must frame the food and when this is the subject, many people get confused and mistaken with a series of drinks that promise to work miracles. But what is the best drink to lose weight?

In this sense, many experts suggest that we consume some types of drinks that can be of great help when losing weight. They are very simple drinks to prepare or buy in supermarkets or specialized websites.

So, below, we are going to suggest some very effective drinks to fight overweight. Remember that it is very important to consume these beverages as part of a serious eating plan. So don’t expect them to cause weight loss by themselves.

What are the best drinks to lose weight?

1. Cold water

Some studies suggest that drinking water cold or cold helps our body to speed up the metabolic process, thus eliminating a lot more calories .  Therefore, it  is best to consume at least 500 ml of this drink every day.

2. Detox juice

vegetable juice


This drink has often been considered to be of great help for people who want to lose weight. Mainly because drinking a small glass of this juice makes your body satisfied faster, consuming only about 135 calories.

This drink, like black tea, also speeds up your metabolism, burning more calories. On average, green tea can help burn between 35 and 43% more fat than other beverages.

4. Skimmed milk

skimmed milk

Amazingly, skim milk seems to quickly break down the fat that is lodged in our bodies.

In fact, some nutritionists suggest that by drinking skim milk, it is possible to lose 70% more weight than people who consume some type of dairy in their diet.  Also, it is necessary to drink a glass of this drink a day.

5. Nutritious drinks

This type of beverage has also been shown to have positive effects on people who consume them, thanks mainly to the fact that they contain many minerals and vitamins, in addition to producing a feeling of satiety, thus preventing you from overeating.

However, it is very important to consult an expert before consuming them. It will tell us which of the nutritional drinks is best for us, as well as establishing the dose or amount we should consume daily.

6. Coconut water

John-Revo-Puno coconut water


This drink contains much more electrolytes than others. This means that it hydrates better than drinks that contain harmful ingredients, with large amounts of sugar or artificial flavoring. What’s more, coconut water speeds up your metabolism and gives you more energy.

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