Six Fun Homemade Tricks That Will Make Life Much Easier

“Where did I leave my keys? Where did I leave my electricity bill? How can I open this bottle if I don’t have a corkscrew?…” 
Six fun homemade tricks that will make life much easier

Today we’re going to introduce you to some great and  fun homemade tricks  that will make your life so much easier. They are so original that it will be very pleasant to make them with your children, for example. Do you get excited?

Unmissable homemade tricks!

Everyday life is full of small difficulties that sometimes lead to despair, and even though we know they are unimportant things, we can waste a lot of time with little problems!

Grab paper and pencil and don’t miss any of our homemade tricks!

1. Where are my keys? What’s the garage key?

Surely you have old tennis balls at home that you don’t use anymore. If so, you have two options: give it to your pets to play with or make a pretty hanger for those objects we always miss. It will be useful for keys, pens, cell phone charger, receipts that need to be stored or whatever.

What I need?

  • Two old tennis balls.
  • Two nails.
  • A scissor.

How can I turn balls into “stuff racks”?

  • Too easy. The first thing to do is make a center cut on the ball. It’s like making a mouth, the opening is what will allow us to put objects inside.
  • Insert a nail into the interior of the ball to be able to fasten it to the wall so that it is firmly fixed. Is ready! If you wish, you can paint some nice eyes!

How can I differentiate one key from another?

The entrance key, the terrace key, the garage key… how to tell them apart? It’s very easy, just paint part of the key with nail polish. Each one should be of a color for easy identification.

2. I don’t have a corkscrew!

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We have a very special dinner, everything is ready and prepared, it’s time to open our bottle of wine and… you realize there’s no corkscrew! No problem, it’s still possible to save your dinner.

This may be one of the homemade tricks that seems too flashy, but we guarantee it works.

All you have to do is insert a very long nail into the bottle stopper and then remove it with tweezers or a suitable hammer, like the one in the picture. You will open the bottle in two seconds!

3. Those annoying liquids in the trash

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It has certainly happened more than once. When you go to collect the garbage, when removing the plastic bag, a smelly liquid from the food and other elements starts to fall. Solution? Very simple. Every time you put the plastic bag in the trash, remember to put some newspapers  in the base. It never fails!

4. Time to paint…

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At home, we always have something to paint: drawers, armchairs, the doghouse, the window bars… there’s always something to do! And painting is a task that gets very dirty and usually bothers a lot.

One of the most useful homemade tricks: just  put an elastic band  in the paint pot, with which you can eliminate excess paint on the brush without dripping where it shouldn’t. It’s really practical!

5. Did I remember to lock the door? Is it better to go back and see?

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With everyone, it has happened once. We leave the house, go to work, or, what is even worse, go on a trip and have been driving for a long time when we suddenly remember this terrible question. Did I lock the door at home?                                                                                                                     

Few things are as desperate as this kind of sudden panic related to our lack of memory. However, you should know that it’s not really about having low memory, it’s about doing things  automatically, without paying attention.

An effective technique for avoiding this sort of thing is to be aware of what we are doing and, in addition, doing something different will allow us to remember it later. An example? As you lock the door,  sing a song in a low voice . Later, if this question arises, you will already know whether you locked the door or not because your memory will remember the nonsense of “singing while locking a door”. It never fails!

6. I lost an earring!

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Has this ever happened? You are in the bathroom getting ready and put on one of your favorite earrings, soon after, you notice that the tuner has fallen off or something else of small size. What can we do? Then you start looking at the ground with a certain desperation, unable to find the lost object.

Don’t worry, there is a very efficient homemade trick that will solve any mishap. Just put a sock in the vacuum cleaner tube. Then, just turn it on and go everywhere, watching everything that sticks to the sock. In a few seconds you will find the little lost earring.

What did you think of these fun homemade tricks? How about putting them into practice and having a little fun?

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