Simple Tips To Achieve LONGEVITY

Some people who reach very old ages remain lucid and happy, it is normal that they are asked what their secrets are to reach this point. Have you ever noticed that most centenarians coincide on several factors?
Simple tips to achieve LONGEVITY

We could say that developing curiosity about things and learning something new every day are details that are among the most frequent healthy habits to achieve longevity.

We will now present some of the customs that, in addition to being among the most common practices of our seniors, have been proven by scientists around the world as the keys to living well and having longevity.

Healthy Brain and Longevity

It’s not just about having longevity, but about being aware and enjoying life.

Among the most frequent recipes (presented by scientists) to keep us well and lucid in old age; we find the act of memorizing one thing a day.

Neuroscientists say that it is best to memorize quotes from books and fragments of poems; for in this way we will exercise parts of our brain that we do not regularly use, which, in turn, will generate exchanges of information between brain cells.

Also, we can memorize and always remember the names of people around us.

This is related to the previous tip, the memory functions and the cerebral cortex that are benefited; in addition to the improvement that our relationship with people and the image we pass of ourselves will suffer.

After all, it is duly proven that the word that human beings react best is the one that designates their own name.

Using it when talking to the people we live with on a daily basis will make us appreciated and this will be reflected in a more harmonious relationship; basic for a better life.

Also, avoid negative thoughts as much as possible, this is another way to keep the brain functioning at its best levels.

Therefore, experts recommend doing what is necessary to avoid this kind of thinking.

One of the most effective methods for this is the “Burning Idea Method”; a very effective psychological method.

When a negative thought enters our mind, it’s helpful to close our eyes, imagine that we’ve written the idea down on paper and then set it on fire and watch it disintegrate.

They also state that, if we have the possibility of performing this action truly, and not just mentalizing it, once there are no risks, of course, the method becomes more effective.


help your body

First of all, you need to relax. Find moments during the day to enjoy; doing the things that please us or just resting is of utmost importance.

This is a basic attitude so that we don’t wear out our vital organs, including the brain, and keep them ready to function well for the rest of the day.

In addition, experts also advise us to sleep less: a period of 5 hours is enough for middle-aged people; even though each organism is different and some manage to react and live better by sleeping a little less or a little more than normal.

What is clear is that sleeping more than 8 hours a day does not help the body and can slow down the metabolism.


Exercise is also necessary, research also shows that the focus should be on developing strong, resilient abdominal muscles.

Why? Simple, these muscles are our center, in this region lies balance, the fundamental point of any physical activity.

Once we maintain a strong abdomen, running, dancing, walking or even climbing becomes simpler and more enjoyable activities.

In conclusion, if we practice the above recommendations, we will be striving to live as best as possible over the years, and thus we will be preventing illnesses normally derived from age.

Therefore, all this will not only help us to live longer, but also with quality.

Images provided by: Kathy Tarochione and le5on2ard5

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