Self-massage To Eliminate Cellulite

To perform the self-massage, we will use the tips and knuckles of the fingers. Always in the upward direction, we will focus more on the thighs, as this is more problematic.

We already know; there is nothing more uncomfortable and unsightly than cellulite. We also know that, for cellulite, there are no miracles. In some cases, the only solution is to go through an operating room. But we guarantee that through good exercise, self-massage and proper nutrition, you can reduce the incidence of cellulite.

Do you want to learn how to do a great anti-cellulite self-massage? Come on!

Step 1: a good homemade anti-cellulite cream


Almost all women suffer from cellulite. This retention of fluid and fat accumulated in the buttocks and thighs in the shape of an orange peel distorts our image and is also a health problem, where circulation becomes difficult.

What can be done? Having an operation or spending a lot of money on creams? Impossible, our economy is not good and we also need to put in a little effort of our own to try to solve the problem.

Therefore, the first step is without a doubt to make our own anti-cellulite cream. We assure you that it is very easy to be made, in addition, the cream is very effective if you use it constantly.

What do I need?

  • A spoon of coffee used in the morning. If you use capsule coffee, take two used ones and empty them into a bowl.
  • Two spoons of olive oil.
  • A spoonful of almond oil.
  • The juice of half a lemon.

Method of preparation

  • Too easy. Coffee is an excellent tonic and a wonderful exfoliant, which will reactivate our circulation in the most critical areas. Coffee is also used to make creams to reduce stretch marks, as well as being excellent for cellulite. Combined with the acidic lemon juice, its action power will be greater.
  • First, mix all ingredients in a bowl. You might find the mixture a little strange, but it’s very effective.
  • Now, in the same bowl, add some of your own liquid soap;  the one you normally use. Remember that if they have a moisturizing action, it will be much better. Stir the mixture well and you’re ready for step two; our anti-cellulite self-massage.

Step 2: self-massage to reduce cellulite


Self-massage is the best ally to improve blood circulation and reactivate lymphatic drainage.

There is nothing more relaxing and stimulating than one of these massages, whether on the legs, head or neck.

Self-massage relieves pain, tension, muscle stiffness. It also prevents fluid retention and lowers the level of stress hormones.

Do not doubt, if you do this self-massage on your thighs every day, you will see how little by little your cellulite will decrease. But remember that self-massage needs to be constant.

Do it in the morning, at night and every day. Let’s start?

Steps of self-massage against cellulite

  1. The first is to take a shower; the skin must be clean and free from impurities. The ideal is to drop a jet of fresh water in the area of ​​the legs and calves to reactivate the circulation in case of varicose veins.
  2. Let’s go to the muscle zone. With your hand, take the coffee cream with oils prepared previously. Put a good amount in your hands and keep warming.
  3. Start the self-massage from the bottom up, ie from the calves to the thighs. The ideal is always to go towards the heart, always ascending, thus favoring circulation. Emphasize the area from the knee to the thighs, as this is where cellulite is most concentrated.
  4. Movements should be long and slow.  Bring the massage up to the stomach if you have any fat accumulated in that area. But remember, on the belly, the massage should be circular and gentle. Don’t miss the coffee cream while massaging.

Continuation of self-massage

  1. In this self-massage, use the palms of both hands and also the knuckles. This is important, as with the knuckles and tips we can exert a little more force and a little pressure (but be careful, you shouldn’t feel pain). The movements must be long and circulating. From time to time, pinch the skin, pulling it back and then pulling it with the help of your index finger and thumb. It’s very effective.
  2. If there are any areas that you cannot reach or that are difficult to self-massage correctly, a wooden leg massage brush can help. These brushes are suitable and promote circulation.
  3. As you have seen, this self-massage is very easy to be done, but the key is in constancy: do the procedure in the morning, in the afternoon and every day. Try to follow a healthy diet, where there is no lack of fluids, antioxidants and fruits. Also exercise regularly, even if it’s a half-hour walk. How about starting today?

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