See How To Feed Your Living Space

Through our reactions and body language, we send signals to those around us about how far they can enter our living space without being invasive.
See how to feed your living space

For a complete inner development of all facets that are part of a person’s life, we need to connect with other people and with ourselves. This intimate relationship with yourself develops in a vital space. Today we will teach you how to feed it.

Hugs feed the living space

Hugs to feed the space

One of the ways we show people around us that they have our trust is through hugs. The fact allow someone else to come into our space is a sign of affection, complicity and friendship. Thus, the hug is a symbol of unity and respect.

People, through physical contact, open and expand their living space. During this interaction, they can convey a lot of information. And so they can learn and get to know part of the other person’s personality with a single hug.

There are intense and vital hugs that can occur between two people who haven’t seen each other for a long time. And, for example, there’s a shy or just no-contact hug that you don’t fully trust. There are also fraternal hugs or hugs with a strong vibration of love and affection between two lovers.

proper body language

To nurture our living space, we need to convey through our body language that we are receptive. Thus, a simple handshake can create new bonds of friendship, beyond protocol or the beginning of a sentimental relationship. All the messages we transmit with our body are as effective as the conversation itself.

Through body language, we show the kind of confidence we allow in our living space. For example, when it comes to touching each other while talking or depending on the distance we keep while talking to the other person.

The distance is greater when we do not allow this proximity to our living space or we feel invaded. Therefore, to maintain a barrier, we usually cross our arms when speaking or point in another direction with our feet.

The house is the extension of our personality

Feng shui to harmonize space

The house where we live is charged with our energy. It is the extension of our living space, where we show ourselves as we really are. Our house is full of personal options such as: colors, decoration, lighting, order, photographic souvenirs, etc. This makes her the essence of who we are.

Thus, it is convenient for each family member to have a personal space to grow as a person and learn to be independent and self-reliant. Thus, we ensure that everyone has their own defined space.

For thousands of years, feng shui has taught us how to harmonize the space in our home by choosing objects and the importance of orientation at cardinal points. So the energy that is created and enters our living space becomes part of ourselves. With the result of greater well-being for those who inhabit it.

The relationship in our living space

With our partner, we share our living space. The fact of sleeping in the same bed, holding hands or sharing the same fork to try our dish, for example, are details that show how we open up our living space.

The relationship is or should be our own extension and vice versa. To the point that, in many cases, we adopt mimetic or very similar behaviors, both in gestures and in the way of speaking.

Thus, this feeling of love and union, in general, facilitates the passage from individual space to a single shared space. However, it is essential that we are all able to maintain our own freedom and personal space.

What is your living space?

In general, the vital space between strangers is established, on average, between 40 and 60 cm in distance from the face. However, the greater the degree of trust, the lower the barrier against which we allow them to approach us.

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