School Bullying: How To Detect It In Time

As parents, we must help our children to have a happy and trouble-free school life. School bullying can be harmful to the victim. Take action and help your child to put an end to this unpleasant situation.
School Bullying: How To Detect It In Time

Preventing, detecting and stopping school bullying as soon as possible is essential to prevent the development of sequelae and prevent the situation from becoming chronic.

From being different from others, to the way a child dresses, they can be causes for him to suffer bullying in school.

This type of situation is very common in children, but very few people dare to say that they are victims of it.

Sometimes because they are not aware that what is happening is not good, they feel ashamed or think that no one is going to believe them.

Parents play a key role in detecting harassment. It is necessary to remain alert to changes in the child’s behavior.

You have to be supportive if you experience any kind of harassment. You should avoid making her feel guilty.

The best thing is to make her feel in a healthy environment where she can say what is happening without fear of being judged.

How to detect school bullying in time?

To detect bullying, you must be alert to changes in your child’s behavior. Bullying victims become more irritable, violent and often have several tantrums a day.

In addition, they can also have psychosomatic changes, such as headaches, stomachaches and even a great fear when going to school.

Child asking to stop bullying

If your little one misses school trips, doesn’t want to go to school, let alone other children’s birthday parties, you should consider talking to him to find out what might be going on around him.

Another thing that usually happens when a child is the victim of school bullying is that their things start arriving broken from school, or they “lose” them.

1. Your child will not want to go to school

When a child is a victim of bullying at school, they do not want to be around their abusers. So it’s normal for you to cry when you go to school. Including, that it comes to feigning discomfort to stay at home.

If your child hides information about the school, it’s a warning sign. A child’s natural tendency is to hide the harassment. Out of fear, because you are threatened or because you believe it is a temporary situation.

So, it is recommended to maintain good communication with your little one. Ask him constantly about what goes on at school, about relationships with peers, and fears you may have.

2. Your child will become insecure

Insecurity and mistrust are common characteristics in children who are bullied at school.

When a peer frequently bothers them because of the way they are, dress or talk, children feel vulnerable and it is hard for them to believe that other people will not do the same.

As a consequence, they become introverted people and try to remain unnoticed. Also, it costs them to make any kind of eye contact with other people.

3. Your child will become aggressive at home

Bullying at school can cause a child to have strong behavioral changes.

This is because you are not able to share what happens to you, so you will silence your feelings and end up expressing them in another way.

Some children, when abused, tend to behave aggressively with their parents.

They do this to alleviate the frustration they bring from school because of the harassment they experience in class.

4. Your child will secretly cry

Children who are victims of bullying do not discuss this with their parents for fear that they will take the situation to school and the abuser will want revenge.

So, they try to cry in silence. That way, no one will ask them about the reasons for their crying.

School bullying makes children cry

For this reason it is important to maintain open communication and instill confidence in your children.

That way they will feel that they can share what happens in class without the need for consequences that put their physical integrity at risk.

5. Your child will arrive with bruises

Some abusers resort to insults. Others prefer physical punishment. If your child often comes home with bruises, you should ask what happens.

You are more likely to try to answer with a lie like “I fell” or that you had an accident in PE class.

If this happens, the first thing you should do is talk to your child and ask who is doing it.

If he doesn’t give you a clear answer, go to the teacher and talk about the situation.

That way, he’ll know who the problem kids in the class are. You will know exactly what reprisals can be taken against the harasser.

Consequences of school bullying

A child who is bullied at school can suffer from many profound consequences:

  • They denote very low self-esteem.
  • They become completely passive people.
  • They have emotional disturbances.
  • Suffer from anxiety, depression and stress.
  • They don’t have the courage to continue with academic activities and avoid, at all costs, going to school.


If your child is bullied, he is likely to develop feelings of resentment and resentment, not only towards his bully, but also towards his surroundings in general.

This can cause him to become a stalker himself and repeat the same actions that his stalker took against him.

In other words, resentment will create more abusers, making this behavior a vicious circle.

 Low self esteem.

When a boy is bothered at school, he tends to develop low self-esteem.

This is because your abuser constantly insults you or makes you feel slighted for your attitudes or characteristics.

School bullying makes children sad

Low self-esteem can cause the child to go into depression, develop stress and anxiety.

They will find it difficult to relate to their surroundings. They will see enemies everywhere and limitations to establish friendship or partner bonds in the future.

disease or death

School bullying also harms the physical health in the present and future of the child who is suffering it.

Children who are bullied can suffer from chronic systemic inflammation that persists into adulthood.

The depression that these children feel is so strong that to avoid continuing to face the harassment, they consider suicide as an option and some even carry it out.


School bullying is common in children and any child is at the mercy of being a victim of it.

The important thing is to be able to detect it in time to take the necessary measures and prevent children from suffering serious consequences on their physical and psychological health as they grow up.

If your child is bullied, he will possibly avoid going to class.

You will be more nervous or withdrawn, have psychosomatic symptoms such as stomach pain, vomiting or insomnia; your school supplies often disappear.

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