Reduce Inflammation With Natural Remedies

To improve inflammation we must follow a vegetarian diet. Meat, fish and dairy products tend to worsen this condition.

Many diseases manifest as inflammation, causing discomfort and sometimes pain. From muscle or joint pain to inflammation in the skin, throat, eyes, gums, ears, liver, kidneys, intestine, etc. 

While each may have different symptoms and causes, there are some foods and natural remedies that help reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms, regardless of the source. We will present some below:

Alkaline Vegetarian Diet to Reduce Inflammation

Whenever you suffer from inflammation, anywhere, there is sometimes an excess of acidity in the blood, so the first remedy we propose is to follow an alkaline vegetarian diet, at least during the inflammation.

Also, all foods that contain animal protein, such as meat, fish, or dairy, tend to make inflammation worse.

Many foods of plant origin also acidify the body, and the correct thing is to have a balanced pH, consuming acidic and alkaline foods.

However, in this case, since there is an excess of acidity, prefer to eat alkaline foods. What are the most alkaline foods?

  • Juices vegetation i s  (carrot, apple, celery, spinach);
  • Raw spinach;
  • Broccoli;
  • Carrot;
  • Beetroot;
  • Lettuce;
  • Garlic;
  • Dried figs;
  • Raisins;
  • dates;
  • Grape;
  • Papaya;
  • Kiwi;
  • Apple;
  • Pear;
  • Hazelnuts;
  • Almonds;
  • Stevia;
  • Green tea.
reduce inflammation naturally

Cold and heat

Sometimes inflammations require cold, especially in the first moments when they are hot and red, and other times they need heat when the inflamed area feels cool (generally the joints need heat).

Just touch the skin of the inflamed area to know. In some cases, you won’t even have to touch it, as the person will feel it without the need to feel it.

  • Heat:  apply a hot compress
  • Cold:  apply an ice pack covered with a cloth

Curd plasters help reduce inflammation

A curious plaster that can be made to cool the inflamed area, especially if it’s hot, is Quark cheese, curds or curd.

Simply apply directly to the skin and cover with a cloth. Leave on for at least half an hour.

Curd plasters help reduce inflammation

Hot and cold oils

Vegetable and essential oils can have opposite effects. Some cool and some heat up. We’ll show you what they are:

  • Essential oils that refresh:  cypress, mint.
  • Essential oils that heat up:  ginger, cinnamon.

Such essential oils should be mixed with vegetable oils, adding only a few drops, and a larger amount of these base oils:

  • Cold base oils:  coconut , almond.
  • Neutral base oils:  sesame.
  • Warm base oils: olive.

kale compresses

Kale is an excellent anti-inflammatory food. To prepare some kale compresses, use green kale.

First, place the leaves briefly in boiling water. Then crush the leaves so that the juice comes out.

Finally, place the leaves directly on the inflamed area, cover it with a cloth and put a plastic-coated paper over it. Leave on for 30 minutes or more .

In addition, this remedy is used for menstrual pain, placing the leaf on the belly.

facial inflammations

The face is a delicate area and it is difficult to apply plaster or poultices, and even the use of oils can be uncomfortable.

So we have some simple remedies to alleviate inflammation like dermatitis, conjunctivitis, and so on.

  • Pouches Chamomile :  refrigerate the bags that stay after taking the tea, will be very useful to be applied to inflamed eyes, with eyes closed;
  • Slices of cucumber :  moreover, the fresh cucumber slices to serve desinflamar eyes and eyelids. Apply for 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Aloe vera:  Aloe deflates and heals. The best thing is to have the plant and cut a piece, but it is also possible to buy it in gel and even mix it with oils.
  • Calendula: excellent for skin inflammation. Also, it is possible to get it in cream form.
calendula tea helps reduce inflammation

Nettle teas to reduce inflammation

While the inflammation lasts, it is also possible to drink teas made from anti-inflammatory medicinal plants, among them, we highlight nettle for its draining and purifying properties.

Therefore, prepare a liter of tea and drink it throughout the day, if you prefer it sweet, use a little stevia, as honey and sugar would have the opposite function, as they are acidic foods.

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