Recommendations To Avoid Or Mitigate Stretch Marks

In addition to preventing them from appearing, hydration can also help us to minimize existing stretch marks. We can apply commercial creams or prepare a homemade cream with aloe and oils.
Recommendations to avoid or mitigate stretch marks

After pregnancy and when we gain weight or lose weight very quickly, it is likely that white or red marks appear on different parts of the body (especially on the hips, stomach and thighs). Many women suffer from this problem. But the good news is that you can avoid or reduce these marks!

In this article, we’ll give you recommendations for avoiding or alleviating stretch marks and also how to remove them naturally.

If you have a genetic predisposition to stretch marks (for example, if your mother had or has them), there is no need to be alarmed. However, you do your best so that they don’t appear with so much “force”.

Use moisturizing cream to prevent or alleviate stretch marks

smooth out stretch marks

Not only when you are pregnant, but at any point in your life (and especially from 20 or 25 years old), you need to use a good moisturizing cream.  This way, the skin is more resistant and hydrated  and will have less chances of suffering from stretch marks.

Apply daily a cream with natural ingredients and preferably one that is thick.

If the first stretch marks have already developed, the application of the cream is also beneficial  so that they do not increase. A good option to moisturize the skin, without resorting to commercial creams, is to use oils and aloe.


  • 1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil (10 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (25 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of aloe gel (20 g)


  • Mix everything in a container.
  • Then apply to the affected area using a circular motion.
  • Allow for at least 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

Enjoy Vitamin E

You can get a vitamin E capsule from health food stores and add it to your daily moisturizer. This vitamin has very interesting properties to alleviate stretch marks, not only those that are appearing, but also those that are several years old.

Egg yolk massage

smooth out stretch marks

Eggs are an excellent source of protein, both when we eat them and when we use them externally. It is recommended to give hair shine and to eliminate newly formed streaks.

It is advised for women in their first months of pregnancy because, in addition, it prevents future scarring. You only have to beat an egg and pass it through the affected area once a day.

use essential oils

The effectiveness of essential oils in making the skin more beautiful is widely known. This home remedy will not 100% get rid of stretch marks if they are too big, deep or old, but it can help to soften them slightly.

Remember that essential oils should not be applied directly to the skin as they can cause irritation or allergy.

They should be mixed with olive oil or almond oil. But you can also mix it with the cream you usually use.

The best essential oils to help reduce stretch marks are:

  • Lavender
  • Frankincense (Indian Incense)
  • pink
  • rosehip
  • Geranium
  • Myrrh

Advice to reduce stretch marks

Once formed, stretch marks can be alleviated with homemade recipes, but also with healthier habits.

Prevent them from becoming deeper or wider:

protect your skin from the sun

At first, stretch marks have an intense red color but, over time, the tone will pale until it becomes lighter than the skin.

If you protect stretch marks from UV rays, it will be harder for them to become more marked. This is because solar radiation damages the skin and worsens its appearance.

smooth out stretch marks

If you go to the beach, don’t hesitate to apply a sunscreen with at least SPF 15. After sunbathing, you can use aloe gel.

Keep hydrated and exfoliate

In addition to drinking your 2 liters of water a day, you need to moisturize your skin with a quality cream.

Remember that  if your skin loses elasticity, it is more likely to stretch  with changes in weight or during pregnancy.

If you have very dry skin, moisturize every day, morning and night.

It is also advisable to exfoliate once a week with some natural product such as sugar, coffee or oats. Don’t forget to hydrate your body after this treatment.

Do not smoke

smooth out stretch marks

Pregnant women should not smoke. But this advice also applies to those who have this bad habit outside of pregnancies. Cigarette smoke is very bad for the skin.

Compounds that enter the body harm it from the inside. And beware, contact with someone who smokes, at home or at work, can also wreak havoc on your skin.

mask the stretch marks

Even though it’s not a way to eliminate them, you can help them not be so visible. Some women choose to tan and others to make up. So, these can be temporary solutions for a specific occasion.


smooth out stretch marks

Sport helps the skin become firmer and healthier. Thanks to it, you will eliminate toxins, control your weight and prevent your skin from stretching.

Try aerobic training 2-3 times a week. It is not advisable to choose weight training exercises because it is counterproductive for the problem of stretch marks: it stretches the skin and breaks the fibers.

consume more vitamin c

It is present in citrus fruits and in various fruits such as kiwi fruit or strawberries.

It is a very important nutrient for health, as in addition to preventing disease, vitamin C increases the production of collagen, the protein responsible for giving tissue firmness, integrity and flexibility.

In addition, it also helps to de-inflame the skin and protect it from solar radiation.

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