Pumpkin Enchiladas Recipe: Easy To Prepare

Pumpkin can be an ideal ingredient to combine with enchiladas. Just use your creativity and knowledge to get a delicious and healthy recipe.
Pumpkin enchiladas recipe: easy to prepare

Perhaps you already know that the enchiladas of a lifetime, the originals are prepared using small tortillas made from cooked corn with a lot of filling and spicy seasoning. In this article, we’ve  adapted the recipe and optimized it  to add both flavor and nutrition.

In this sense, pumpkin enchiladas are recommended as a substitute for the high levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and fats we’ve already mentioned. To achieve this, it is necessary to add a very healthy and protein ingredient: chicken.

But not just any part of the chicken. What’s more, we’ll just use the breast and season it in a way that makes each bite feel like it doesn’t lack flavor or is tailored in a way that isn’t to anyone’s taste.

This is very important because, in general, it is  thought that by changing traditional recipes, much of the flavor of the preparation is lost . Fortunately, with pumpkin enchiladas, this will not happen.

Pumpkin Benefits

In fact, the pumpkin as a key element of this dish, brings with it some benefits that you can’t even imagine. To put it in perspective, both the fiber and water content make this vegetable an appropriate and recommended supplement to corn.

Above all, remember that corn traditionally contains more sodium and carbohydrates which are converted with the digestive process into fats. On the other hand, when replacing it in pumpkin enchiladas, this last ingredient has almost no problems or contraindications to worry about.

Don’t forget they will be covered in chicken breasts. So, it will be more difficult for this preparation of enchiladas with pumpkin to go unnoticed and, as a result, forgotten with all these data and curious ingredients that we have detailed.

Finally, it’s up to you to  discover the potential behind this recipe. You only have to follow these indications that we will reveal and fulfill them as best you can. You won’t find anything too complicated or confusing. Everything in its right measure; flavored healthy food.

Delicious & Easy Pumpkin Enchilada Recipe

Baked pumpkin enchiladas

The pumpkin, an extraordinary ingredient

Among many of the habits we regularly maintain when eating, perhaps we think little about the implication this brings us.

And is that over the years,  the body gets used to a number of ingredients and elements that we ingest. So, if we don’t provide alternatives or some kind of stimulus to help you with such a bad diet, it’s normal for you to get sick or be inconvenienced.

In this sense, pumpkin as a vegetable is more than ideal. To give you an idea of ​​what we’ve achieved with this single ingredient, we show you below:

  • Firstly it is debugging.
  • Also, it contains high levels of magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron and calcium.
  • Plus, it’s full of beta-carotenes. A protein that helps with the absorption of vitamin A.  Indispensable for the heart and eyesight.

Enchiladas with pumpkin


  • 5 tomatoes
  • 3 chiles
  • 2 small onions
  • 1 tablespoon of garlic powder (15 g)
  • 1 boneless chicken breast fillet
  • 4 pumpkin slices
  • 1 spoon of olive oil (15 ml)
  • 1 cup of mozzarella cheese (150 g)
  • 2 sprigs of coriander (optional)
Enchiladas with sliced ​​pumpkin

Method of preparation

  1. First,  roast the tomatoes, with chiles, onion and garlic. Season a little with salt and mix until the aroma comes off.
  2. On the other hand, start mixing all the ingredients you used in the skillet in the blender.
  3. The result will be the filling of the enchiladas with pumpkin.
  4. Soon after, put to heat another pan with the sauce you made. Season with salt and simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. In addition, add the chicken fillet (preferably chopped) and again heat it for another 5 minutes.
  6. Also, cut up the pumpkins and spread the pieces on a chopping board.
  7. Then start filling them with the sauce. Repeat the process until complete with the rest of the pumpkins and stuffing.
  8. Afterwards, place the stuffed pumpkin slices on a tempered glass tray  previously greased with olive oil.
  9. Preheat oven to 180 ºC.
  10. Finally, sprinkle some salt, pepper and cilantro on top and bake for 10 minutes.

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