Papaya, Apple And Oat Vitamins To Balance The Digestive System

Thanks to the digestive properties of its ingredients, this papaya, oat and apple vitamin can be a great ally to regulate intestinal transit.
Papaya, apple and oat vitamins to balance the digestive system

This delicious papaya, apple and oat vitamin helps to complement the diet in a pleasant way and, in addition, promotes good intestinal transit, something that certainly contributes to our daily well-being.

Improve digestion with food

Digestive problems are often the result of an unbalanced diet. However, there are also other physical and emotional factors that can affect stomach, liver, or bowel function.

We must also keep in mind that no food, even if it is healthy, will go down well if we have a digestive disorder.

We should try to eat balanced and varied, as well as pay attention to foods that make us feel better or worse. That way we can establish our own diet.

medicinal food

Apples, oats and papaya are three foods that, in addition to being a source of various nutrients, are good support for the digestive system. Moreover, togetherthey have a delicious taste and a soft texture and appetizing.

the papaya

According to specialists from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, papaya is a tropical fruit rich in sugars and fiber, which stands out for its high beta-carotene content, which gives it its characteristic orange color.

It is also a source of vitamins A, B and C. Its texture is soft and succulent and inside there are a large number of round and gelatinous seeds.

Papaya has the following digestion properties thanks to its papain enzyme and other nutrients:

  • It has anti-inflammatory properties: soothes pain and inflammation of the entire digestive tract.
  • It favors digestion, especially of foods rich in protein, such as meat and fish.
  • Reduces gastric acidity
  • It favors intestinal transit without irritating the intestine.
  • The crushed seeds fight intestinal parasites.  

The Apple

The apple is a very common fruit that we often despise, as we always have it within our reach. However, the saying goes that “with an apple a day we keep the doctor away” .

  • Apples stimulate the production of gastric juices thanks to histidine.
  • Its pectin content regulates intestinal transit if we are prone to constipation or diarrhea. Therefore, it is very suitable for balancing disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Malic acid promotes good liver and gallbladder health and therefore the digestion of fats.
  • The soluble fiber in apples delays the absorption of glucose during the digestive process.
  • Reduces bad breath.

the oat

Oats are one of the best cereals we can consume, as their nutritional values ​​are very complete. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and mucilages. Among the health benefits, we find:

  • Its mucilaginous content, which appears when oats are soaked, is a type of soluble fiber that lubricates and protects the interior of the digestive tract. This property is very beneficial in cases of gastritis and colitis.
  • Stimulates liver function, helping to produce more lecithin.
  • It’s a very satisfying food.
  • Reduces bile acids.
  • Fights constipation.

Papaya, apple and oat smoothie

Considering all the benefits provided by the three main ingredients, all that’s left is to know the recipe for this delicious natural drink to start enjoying it.


  • 1 apple
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of oats (25 g)
  • 1 slice of papaya (approximately 150 g)

Method of preparation

  • First, the night before, soak the oats in the glass of water.
  • In the morning, beat the water and oats together with the apple (if organic, with the skin) and papaya.
  • You can add some papaya seeds if you like, but no more than 10.
  • If you prefer a more liquid consistency, add more water.
  • Our papaya, apple and oat smoothie is ready to be served and enjoyed as part of your breakfast or snack.

Avoid adding sweeteners

It is not advisable to add sugar or sweeteners to this papaya, apple and oat vitamin, as the idea is to enjoy the sweetness of papaya and apple. However, if you want to give it a sweeter touch, you can add a teaspoon of honey.

Finally, remember that instead of water, you can use oat water or your favorite infusion. Chamomile can be a good option.

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