Onychomycosis: When Fungi Are On The Nails

Apple cider vinegar has antifungal properties, so it helps to get rid of fungus. To prevent them from appearing, try to keep your feet dry. You can apply talcum powder.
Onychomycosis: when fungi are on the nails 

Although it is known simply as nail fungus, the medical name is onychomycosis. This infection changes the appearance of the nail in its general appearance, as well as in its color and thickness.

Then learn more about this issue in this article.

Causes and symptoms of onychomycosis

It is a very common condition in the world population, which starts in just one finger (toes or hands) and then spreads to the other with the passage of time and lack of treatment. Some may also have athlete’s foot, as it is the same fungus that affects the skin.

Onychomycosis can only be observed by changes in the nail, whether in color, shape or thickness, it has no symptoms such as pain or discomfort.

Many people take a long time to treat the fungus, which is why it takes several months or even years to completely heal.

Although it is usual to treat onychomycosis as an aesthetic alteration of the nails, in very advanced cases, it can cause chronic pain that is difficult to resolve. Thus, early diagnosis is ideal to permanently eradicate the fungus.


Among the causes of onychomycosis we find three different types of fungi, the best known of which is  Candida albicans.

These fungi are transmitted by direct contact and can live with people without producing infection, however, when there are certain conditions or factors that weaken our immune system, the risk of developing this pathology increases.

Aging is one of the reasons, for example, as the fungi that colonize the foot accumulate with age. Also, the body’s defenses get weaker.

When the foot is always wet, as in the case of swimmers or people who wear inappropriate shoes (rubber or nylon socks, for example), suffering from skin diseases such as psoriasis or athlete’s foot is quite common.

Diabetes is related to onychomycosis as it affects the body’s defenses. If you have family members with onychomycosis, you are likely to suffer from the same problem, either from genetic predisposition or from transmission of the fungus from using the same towels, bathtub, shoes, etc.

Finally, the 


The main problem, it is believed, is the aesthetics due to changes in the appearance of the nail. Thus, we can distinguish five types of modifications:

  • The edge of the nail is yellowed and thickened, the surface is rough and fragmented;
  • Damages the nail matrix (the root), with white or yellowish areas; 
  • You may see small white spots or spots on the surface of the nail;
  • The nail turns brown (in rare cases of melanonychia);
  • The nail is completely deformed, becomes curved, thickened and hardened, easily breaks up into fragments.

In order to prevent the appearance of onychomycosis, it is necessary to maintain hygiene, avoiding the proliferation of fungi or bacteria.

Therefore, wash your hands and feet and always dry them well. Wear proper cotton socks and don’t wear shoes that are too tight; prefer shoes that allow the foot to breathe and perspire. Avoid bathing barefoot in locker rooms or gyms, or share towels with infected people. 

When you have onychomycosis, it is necessary to keep the nails very short, not sticking out from the finger. Also, always disinfect the tools used to cut your nails. Do not use false nails or paint your nails.

Home Remedies for Nail Fungi

tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is one of the best known natural treatments for onychomycosis. It is suitable for mild or moderate cases, as it is a potent fungicide.


  • Mix equal parts tea tree oil with olive oil and thyme oil;
  • Cover the affected nail with this preparation, it can be with a cotton or a brush (which will not be used for anything else);
  • Leave on for 15 minutes and scrub the nail with a toothbrush;
  • Then, when the foot or hand is clean and dry, apply a few drops of tea tree oil to the nail.

Apple vinegar

The second treatment known for its effectiveness in eliminating nail fungus is apple cider vinegar. For that:

  • Prepare a foot bath with equal parts vinegar and warm water;
  • Soak your feet or hands (or at least until your nails get wet) for 20 minutes;
  • Dry thoroughly with a towel and a hair dryer, emphasizing the affected nails, but also between the fingers.

Another option also using vinegar is to prepare a mixture with two spoons and two spoons of coarse ground rice flour.

Thus, place the mixture on the nail, let it act for approximately 15 minutes and rinse (repeat the drying process indicated above).

Sodium bicarbonate

Also, you can make a medicine with sodium bicarbonate:

  • Mix baking soda in water to make a paste;
  • Pass this preparation on a cotton pad and then spread it all over the nail, making it also enter the skin underneath the affected nail;
  • Leave a few minutes, rinse and dry.


  • Put two cups of water and three tablespoons of thyme in a pot;
  • Boil for five minutes, turn off heat, cover, then let cool;
  •  Wet a cotton swab or a cotton swab and place it on the nails that have onychomycosis. 


  • Boil a liter of water with 10 chopped cinnamon sticks;
  • Place over low heat and then cook for five minutes;
  • Let it sit for 45 minutes and, while still warm, pour it into a container where you can put it on your nails.


  • Extract the juice from an onion and soak a cotton ball;
  • Rub over nails that have fungus;

In addition, you can also directly pass the onion cut in half.

Lemon juice

  • Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice, five drops of hydrogen peroxide and two tablespoons of aloe vera gel ;
  • Sore the affected nail and let it dry on its own.


  • Boil five cloves of garlic in a cup of water;
  • Pour into a container of cold water and place your feet there, leaving for fifteen minutes;
  • Repeat every day until completing a month.

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