Natural Remedies To Improve Memory

In addition to consuming these natural remedies, we can do mental activities to exercise memory, such as memorizing lists of objects, or doing sudokus and crossword puzzles to stimulate our brain.
Natural Remedies to Improve Memory

Do you often forget where you left your keys, who you were calling, or why you got up from your chair? Do you have problems retaining important information, don’t remember data you use daily, or are you too hard to remember things? Would you like to improve memory?

So be sure to read this article as we’ll talk about the best natural remedies to improve memory.

Causes of lack of memory

It’s not just the elders who suffer from problems remembering things, that’s because young people and adults have more and more inconveniences not to forget.

From remembering to always take your bag to someone’s name, going through the content studied the day before, to pending appointments on the agenda, for example.

If you have been suffering from poor memory lately, the causes can be many, such as demands at work and personal life, as well as stress.

Lord suffering to improve memory

But beyond that, there are other reasons why our memory can fail. Heads up:


Certain drugs, such as antihistamines, anesthetics, diet pills, and blood pressure medications, have the “ability” to numb the brain, thus leading to a loss of memory for details.

hormonal changes

They can occur due to pregnancy, menopause or other hormonal changes (also due to medications), but this is normal.

lack of sleep

When we don’t get enough rest, we can start to notice certain problems with retaining information, as well as changes in memory and reflexes.

Therefore, one must be careful with insomnia. Therefore, pay attention to whether you are sleeping less than six hours a day, whether you stay up until dawn every day, etc.


People who have high blood pressure are more likely to suffer cognitive impairment as well as memory problems from 45 years of age onwards. This is because the small cerebral arteries become more fragile.

Home Remedies to Improve Memory

If you’re having trouble remembering some things, pay attention to the following at-home treatments to improve memory:

  • Take a salvia infusion daily (prepared with a handful of dried salvia leaves for every cup of boiling water, just leave the infusion covered for a few minutes, then strain and then drink);
  • Drink a honey-sweetened rosemary tea (same procedure as in the previous recipe, adding a tablespoon of pure bee honey before drinking);
Rosemary tea to improve memory
  • Eat three dried apricots, three plums and three almonds a day;
  • Consume, for nine days in a row, a dose of walnuts. Therefore, eat six units on the first day and increase until you reach fifteen nuts on the last day;
  • Add fresh ginger (grated or thinly sliced) to your meals, such as salads, soups, creams, sauces, etc. It is also possible to consume it in teas. Pay attention to the amount, as this root can increase blood pressure in some cases;
  • Eat an unpeeled red apple every day;
  • Consume a tablespoon of brewer’s yeast mixed with a teaspoon of pollen and a tablespoon of soy lecithin (it can certainly be found in health food stores);
  • Mix a tablespoon of sugar, a tablespoon of royal jelly and a teaspoon of pollen in a cup of soy milk. Mix everything very well and, thus, take it in the morning, warm or cold;
  • Prepare a delicious memory juice with 125g of date, 250g of fig and 3 carrots. When you get a smooth mixture in a blender, strain and then drink. It would be good to drink this juice in the morning and on an empty stomach;

prepare a smoothie

Mix a cup of water, two peeled almonds, the juice of an orange, three walnuts and the juice of a strawberry (use the pulp to make it creamier). Mix everything together and drink it every morning.

Banana Vitamin to Improve Memory

herbal infusion

Mix 5g of each of these ingredients:

  • mint
  • Basil
  • Raspberry
  • A thousand sheets
  • mallow

How to make:

Mix the above ingredients together with a cup of water in a saucepan, then simmer for a few minutes. Allow to cool and strain.

Drink every night after dinner and before bed, repeating the procedure for two weeks in a row. However, stop the treatment for fifteen days and then go back to drinking the drink.

Anise infusion

First, boil a liter of water and add seven teaspoons of aniseed. Reduce heat to minimum and boil until content is reduced to approximately 700ml. Strain and add four tablespoons of honey. Therefore, drink two tablespoons of this memory remedy three times a day.

And more…

Combine gingko biloba (can be purchased at health food stores) with rosemary to protect the brain from free radical damage as well as to prevent the deterioration of vital mind functions;

Herbs That Help Improve Memory
  • Crush an artichoke and place it in a jar, cover with water, close and place in a pot of water in a bain-marie. Leave on low heat for two hours (if necessary, add more water to the pan). Remove and strain the contents. Drink three tablespoons three times a day.
  • Soak four prunes in a glass of water for twelve hours. Beat the plums with a glass of warm milk and a fig. Drink every night before bedtime to boost your memory. Furthermore, it also serves to treat constipation.
  • Juice a grapefruit and an orange. Peel and chop an apple. Put everything in a blender and blend. Drink every other day, but especially before taking a test or something. It is a medicine rich in nutrients that can improve memory and, in addition, it is perfect to take when there is a need to study, as it allows better fix the content.

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