Natural Remedies That Can Help Treat Depression

Don’t forget that exercise is very important for relieving depressive states. In addition to feeling better physically, we generate endorphins that help us fight sadness.
Natural Remedies That Can Help Treat Depression

Depression is a mood disorder where we feel depressed, unhappy and with feelings of guilt, so it is very difficult to enjoy everyday life.

It is necessary to consult a specialist and treat this problem under a specific and detailed treatment for each one. However, there are also foods within our reach that act as natural antidepressants,   as they nourish and regulate our nervous system, allowing us to strengthen the process in one way or another.

Finally, today we’ll share information about some foods and tips that will help treat depression.

natural antidepressants

    • Magnesium, found in nuts, green leafy vegetables, avocados.
    • Tryptophan, present in cocoa.
    • Omega 3 fatty acids from flaxseed and sardines.
    • The vitamin B 12 which is found in sardines, eggs and dairy products.
    • The folic acid present in fruits and vegetables of green leaf.
Chocolate helps fight depression
Eating chocolate increases levels of serotonin, a substance absent in depressive periods.

Some of these nutrients can be taken as a supplement, as per the opinion of an expert.

Also, other recommended foods include oats, chickpeas, tangerines, nuts, watercress, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Hypericum, ginger, rosemary, licorice or oregano teas are very beneficial.

And what should we avoid?

      • Too much meat.
      • Saturated fat.
      • Sweetener and artificial colors.
      • White sugar.
      • Candy.
      • Artificial and alcoholic beverages.
      • Coffee.
      • Black tea.

Still, externally we can enjoy the antidepressant and sensory benefits of the following essential oils:

      • Oregano.
      • Lavender.
      • Chamomile.
      • Bergamot.
      • Geranium.
      • Jasmine.
      • Lemon.
      • Sandalwood.
      • Tangerine.
      • Lemongrass.
      • Orange.
      • Neroli.
      • Petitgrain.
      • Grapefruit.
      • Clear sage.
      • Lemon Vervain.
      • Ylang-ylang.

In that case, we can smell them and be guided by our intuition. Right after choosing, we can use an aromatic diffuser or mixed with our moisturizing cream, applying it to our clothes or as we prefer.

treat emotions

According to some therapists, in most cases of depression one should look for the source of the problem, as there is often a conflict.

Maybe the person is doing something they don’t want to do, you may have a buildup of anger or pent-up sadness. To deal with these emotional issues, homeopathy and Bach Flower remedies are recommended, as they have no contraindications or side effects, and can be taken at any age.

Other practical tips to fight depression

Psychic disorders are increasingly common in younger people. One factor that may have influenced this is the lack of contact with nature. After all, the color green is a natural balance and sunbathing is essential, especially when we’re not feeling well.

Some people intuitively feel this need, but we all really do. If you live in a city, at least on weekends you should try to look for natural surroundings.

Foods That Help Fight Depression
Take a moment in your day to clear your mind and relax. Going out and walking through green areas is a good idea.

Another influencing factor is breathing. Nowadays we only breathe enough to survive, but every cell in our body needs oxygen, otherwise we put it through a stressful situation.

In order to learn to breathe correctly, we can do some kind of therapy (yoga, tai-chi, anti-gymnasia, Feldenkrais…)

Another way to improve breathing is by generating endorphins, hormones of happiness. Therefore, you need to exercise regularly.

Many people believe that exercise is only necessary to get a correct weight, but humans have always exercised before to survive, and now it seems to be just a matter of aesthetics. But what really matters is practicing them.

Images provided by John Loo y Poytr.

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