Natural Remedies For The Kidneys

To keep the kidneys healthy, it is essential that we hydrate ourselves correctly to facilitate the expulsion of toxins and waste that, when accumulated, can be harmful.

The kidneys are organs that are in charge of filtering the toxins and minerals found in the blood,  which is why they are so important for the human body. With that in mind, today we’re going to talk about natural remedies for the kidneys.

Without the kidneys working properly, our entire body system could collapse in a short time, so we need to help them stay healthy so they can work properly.

How can we prevent kidney disease?

Kidney care foods

One of the easiest, most economical and natural ways to prevent kidney disease is to consume enough water, that is, approximately eight glasses a day, in order to keep the body sufficiently hydrated to prevent possible kidney and urinary tract infections. 

Another very easy and delicious way to hydrate the body is to consume watermelon, a fruit that is considered a diuretic and is recommended as a remedy for kidney stones.

Another way to prevent kidney stones is to drink celery sprigs infusion,  or add celery stalks to salads; you should avoid alcoholic drinks as much as possible, so you can prevent stones, infections and your kidneys will be healthier for many years.

Foods to avoid are all those that have high levels of oxalate, such as beets, spinach, chard, soy, wheat germ, peanuts and chocolate.

How to fight kidney stones?

Back pain from kidneys

Among the diseases that can affect the proper functioning of the kidneys are the dreaded and painful stones, but there are the benefits of some natural remedies that can combat them.

One of these natural remedies is to mix olive oil with lemon juice and add apple cider vinegar as well. One tablespoon should be taken every hour until the pain goes away.

Another way to get rid of calculi is to drink passion fruit juice several times a day. In addition, we can also count on the dandelion root, which is very effective in cleaning the urinary tract and helping to eliminate calculi.

You should take at least two or three infusions of this root a day, which will be more than enough to keep your kidneys healthy.

Furthermore,  magnesium, a substance that is essential in the body, prevents the production of kidney stones,  helping to avoid the pain they generate; with a consumption of 300 milligrams daily it will be more than enough to achieve what we propose.


It is a good idea to consult and learn which foods can provide us with the necessary amounts of this mineral and, of course, make it part of our daily diet and thus manage to prevent its occurrence.

All that remains is to say that we must take care of each and every one of the organs of the body to have a good quality of life for as long as possible, besides, with the benefits that natural medicine offers us, all this is much easier to achieve.

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