Natural Remedies For Bleeding Gums Or Loose Teeth

Bleeding gums are as common as they are uncomfortable, as are loose teeth. In this article we’ll talk about how you can treat both conditions.

Bleeding gums and loose teeth are two of the most common oral diseases. Although its origin may be different, what is certain is that, most of the time, these problems appear due to poor hygiene, which, in turn, causes the emergence of diseases such as gingivitis. Therefore, in this article we are going to introduce some natural remedies for bleeding gums or loose teeth.

Of course, these recommendations or remedies are helpful in mild cases. Otherwise, if your problem is serious, you should visit a dentist. This way you will receive specialized attention and solve this disease in the best possible way.

Warm salt water for bleeding gums

A great natural remedy for bleeding gums is to rinse your mouth with warm salt water. As we well know, saline solutions have antiseptic effects, moreover, in this case, they help a better blood circulation of the gums, making them not inflame and bleed. Just rinse your mouth twice a day mixing water with a pinch of salt.

water and peroxide

Another natural remedy for sore gums  that also works for loose teeth is to prepare a water solution with some type of peroxide. In this case, you can mix water and hydrogen peroxide to rinse your mouth for 30 seconds. It is very important not to swallow the solution as it can be dangerous to your health. It is best to rinse three times a week.

Massage and brush the gums

A very simple and effective remedy, which curiously many people forget to do, is brushing and massaging the gums. In this way, we will prevent them from igniting and, in some cases, our teeth coming loose. In fact, there are toothbrushes on the market today that have built-in gum massagers, making it much simpler to take care of them. This should be done every day, every time we brush our teeth.


Sodium bicarbonate

Baking soda is another very effective natural remedy to keep our gums from bleeding and becoming inflamed. To do this, just mix a little baking soda with water and apply it with your finger along the gum. Then brush your teeth normally and rinse your mouth.


Thyme is a very famous natural remedy to prevent loose teeth. Long ago that the thyme showed strengthen and care for teeth, therefore, its use in the case of loose teeth is highly recommended. For this, you can make rinses by mixing water and thyme root.

thyme for bleeding gums


For loose teeth, another recommendation or natural remedy is to rub the leaves of this fruit all over the gums. It is also possible to chew it for better results. The avocado helps the gums to become stronger, strengthening teeth. It also fights tooth decay and other types of oral disease, such as periodontitis.

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