Natural Anti-inflammatories: Know Them!

Taking anti-inflammatory drugs in excess can cause several problems. Therefore, to increase their efficiency, there are foods with good properties to fight inflammation. Meet them below!
Natural anti-inflammatories: get to know them!

Taking anti-inflammatory drugs in excess can cause ulcers, gastritis, cardiovascular problems and hypertension. So, to help the body fight inflammation in a more natural way, some foods can enhance the healing process of the disease.

Discover some examples of natural anti-inflammatory drugs.

Natural anti-inflammatories


Shitake is a high protein mushroom and contains few calories but has a high lentinan content; nutrient that stimulates the production of white blood cells, which helps to fight inflammation.

When buying the mushroom, do not discard the stalk, as it contains potent beta-glucan fibers, which can clean the body; eliminating toxins from the body.

Extra virgin olive oil

Olive oil contains oleocanthal, which can inhibit the activity of enzymes linked to the inflammatory process.

To make the most of its beneficial properties, olive oil should be used cold, as seasoning in salads and to add flavor to already prepared foods.


Turmeric a natural anti-inflammatory

This plant contains curcumin, an ingredient responsible for its pigment. What’s more, the  substance helps stop the biological mechanisms that trigger inflammation in tendons and cause tendonitis.


Ginger is a root rich in actives such as phelandrene, zingiberene and zingerone, which act on inflammation of the upper airways, such as bronchitis, sinusitis and asthma.

Furthermore, it acts as a natural remedy to expectorate phlegm. Ginger also contains selenium, which has anti-inflammatory action, and gingerol, which has analgesic properties.

Sweet potato

This tuber has a low glycemic index and helps to reduce inflammation. In short, q ny food with a high glycemic index contribute to increased inflammation, as they leave the body pH higher; a full plate to increase the proliferation of harmful fungi and bacteria.

Therefore, being rich in fiber, sweet potato is great for increasing the presence of beneficial microorganisms in the intestine, thus preventing irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis.

Linseed, chia and salmon

All three foods are rich in omega 3, a fatty acid that greatly reduces the production and activity of prostaglandins, substances that accentuate inflammation.


Garlic is very effective in fighting inflammation as it has allicin and allin, which are antioxidant substances capable of reducing inflammation.

Furthermore, they are great at fighting viruses and free radicals.

An advice

If you want to use foods to fight inflammation, try not to eat other foods that contribute to increased inflammation.

Furthermore, foods with a lot of refined carbohydrates such as sugar, wheat flour, pasta, breads and cakes should be crossed out of the diet.

Also, avoid soft drinks, alcoholic beverages and coffee.

Image 1 was provided by David Milley

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