Mom’s Kisses Can Heal Almost Anything

The baby comes into our lives and we rush to kiss him. He grows and falls and we kiss him. He gets sick and we kiss him again. A mother’s kisses heal any wound. 
Mom's kisses can cure almost anything

The baby comes into our arms and it’s impossible not to kiss him. It sounds exaggerated, but it’s true: we want to devour you with kisses. He grows up and we keep kissing him. He gets sick or falls and gets hurt, and we kiss him again. Mom’s kisses have many meanings.

Kissing your kids isn’t just about expressing the love you feel for them. Kisses, in fact, help children to grow emotionally well. This, we all know. But they can also contribute to your overall well-being. Know how!

Mom’s kisses not only express love

The story “ The day God created mothers ”, by the famous writer Paulo Coelho, says that God incorporated the kiss into the mother’s creation, which has the gift of healing anything, from a wound to suffering for love.

A mother’s kisses not only reinforce the bond of love that binds them together, they also provide a pleasant sensation that releases endorphins and oxytocin and strengthens the children’s immune systems. Educating with kisses is the best thing that can happen to parents and children

Mom's kisses not only express love

The kisses we give our children will never be excessive nor will it make them naughty. Kissing when waking up, going to bed, going out, or picking them up from daycare or school reinforces the trust babies and children have in their parents. A confidence that has been cultivated from an early age will pay off when the days of adolescence arrive.

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mother’s kisses protect

A nursing mother’s kisses protect her baby’s immune system. Breast milk not only self-regulates to provide the nutrients your child needs at every stage of growth. It also carries the mother’s antibodies to protect her child from diseases such as asthma, allergies, obesity, among others.

In fact, while the mother kisses her baby, she collects in her mouth the viruses and bacteria that are present on the baby’s skin. Your immune system processes this information, and creates the antibodies the baby specifically needs, which pass through your breast milk.

The mother’s natural impulse to kiss her baby enhances the newborn’s natural immunization. A fascinating example of how a woman’s body works to protect her baby, who is activated through the mother’s kisses.

mother’s kisses heal

The study comparing mother kissing with homeopathy to treat mild wounds is false. Supposedly, the news was published by “ The Journal of American Parenting ” at the University of Pittsburgh. The American university denied having carried out this investigation, and the magazine, in fact, does not exist.

mother's kisses heal

However, every mother (and fathers alike) who respond to her child’s cry when he is in pain knows that his love provides comfort. Your kisses will not disinfect a wound, but provide the support your child needs to calm down.

The baby or child who suffers from unexpected pain will instinctively seek out their parents. As the mother or father kiss him, they hold him in their arms, releasing the oxytocin.

This oxytocin gives pleasure to the child, which is undoubtedly beneficial in calming the pain and making the treatment more effective. A loved one or baby feels better, and if their mood improves, medical treatment will be more effective.

daddy’s kisses count too

In defining the roles of mother and father, emotions were reserved for mothers, as if fathers didn’t have them. Without a doubt, machismo is responsible for these behaviors.

However, nowadays it is increasingly common to see parents involved in the upbringing and care of their children. Parents who change diapers and bathe their children, who educate and kiss their children, are seen every day. Children benefit from parents who spontaneously express their love and affection.

Kisses from mom and dad are important

A true study by Concordia University, Canada, and published by the Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science , showed that children whose parents are involved in their care and education are children with better behavior patterns and more intelligent.

The survey carried out with 186 children, found that those who have an active father figure, which is present since childhood, develop fewer behavioral problems and have greater intellectual capacity, even in homes with low socioeconomic levels.

the more kisses the better

Parenting involves building the bonds that bind parents and children together forever. Babies and children happily accept their parents’ kisses.

When the intense teenage days roll around they will certainly be less open to expressions of affection, especially in public places. So… isn’t it better to kiss our kids while they like to be kissed?

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