Meet Hummus: Rich In Nutrients And A Great Antidepressant

The benefits of hummus make it an exceptional dish. In addition to being rich in vitamins and antioxidants, it is a natural antidepressant, improves digestion and helps control appetite.

Have you ever heard of hummus ? Already proved? Despite not being well known by most people, little by little it is becoming present in our gastronomy. If you like chickpeas, you will like hummus. This delicious paste of Arabic origin is nothing more than a mixture of lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, peppers, sesame seeds, olives and, of course, the base: the chickpeas.

The recipe may change a little from country to country, but as you can see, its ingredients couldn’t be healthier. In fact, a number of studies we’ll discuss next describe it as a superfood and an effective medicine to treat depression.

Would you like to know more about hummus? So keep exploring our article!

The great benefits of hummus

Hummus is an essential dish in Middle Eastern cuisine. Countries like Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Syria or Greece and Cyprus, are used to constantly enjoying this recipe so healthy.

Although hummus can be found in many supermarkets, there are those who prefer to prepare it at home to take even more care of the freshness of the ingredients. The fresh lemon juice, the soft chickpeas and the spices of our personal taste will, without a doubt, make us a very rich hummus according to our preferences.

And what benefits can this paste with such a pleasant texture and taste provide us? We will teach:

Hummus is a good natural antidepressant

A survey conducted in 2007 by the University of Tel Aviv (Israel), found the following data on hummus:

  • It is a natural antidepressant with effects very similar to the medications used to treat the disease;
  • Offers a feeling of well-being due to its ability to promote the release of  serotonin. This is explained by the healthy combination of olive oil and peppers. Both contain a type of amino acid that gives rise to this hormone.
  • Satisfies the appetite, relaxes and also helps us sleep well.

The hummus, rich in vegetable proteins

We’re talking about chickpeas, one of the most protein-rich vegetables that serves as the basis for many of our dishes. It is interesting to know that hummus is part of the diet of many athletes for the energy it offers them. Thanks to its content of olive oil and lemon, it is a food rich in antioxidants that are well digested and, in addition, it is satiating and regulates blood sugar levels.

A complete food for the whole family

We already know that hummus is rich in plant proteins, but note its nutritional value now. It’s fantastic for the whole family!

  • Iron;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;
  • Complex B vitamins;
  • Magnesium;
  • Folic acid (perfect for pregnant women and growing children);
  • It is rich in thiamine and riboflavin, two types of vitamins that allow us to strengthen our muscular and nervous systems;
  • It also contains retinol, a basic component to make our tissues look younger and more elastic;
  • Due to its antioxidant content, it is very suitable for regulating hypertension and for improving our heart health;
  • This food is suitable for eliminating uric acid  thanks to its diuretic properties.

hummus improves our digestion


Do you often suffer from constipation? Do you need to clean your colon and your body in general? So include hummus regularly in your diet. Its healthy carbohydrates are slow to absorb, so it gives us energy, in turn regulating the glucose level.

Thanks to the fibers present in chickpeas, its content of lemon, garlic, olive oil and healthy spices, it is a food that favors intestinal transit and helps us to purify the toxins present in the colon.

Hummus contains little fat

As we indicated before, the foods we prepare hummus with are very healthy, rich in unsaturated essential fatty acids, such as linoleic acid and oleic acid, or omega 3 fatty acid.

Do not doubt, hummus is one of the best options for, for example, smearing rye bread. If you accompany it with celery or raw carrots cut into thin slices, you will undoubtedly enjoy a dish as tasty as it is healthy.

The hummus is anticancer


Thanks to its antioxidant power and the presence of garlic that acts as a natural antibiotic, we are able to fight many of the harmful cells that can lead to the development of a tumor.

We must also not forget the presence of phytic acid and saponins, very suitable components to defend cells from the genetic damage that causes cancer. 

So, how to resist a toast well laden with hummus? Try it!

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