Medicines For Onychomycosis In The Hands And Feet

Remedies for onychomycosis of the hands and feet are quite popular. However, are they effective? Today, we want to clarify this doubt. We’ll tell you what the experts say and how to treat this yeast infection.
Remedies for onychomycosis in the hands and feet

Remedies for onychomycosis of the hands and feet are very popular. This condition, characterized by causing a white or yellowish discoloration, itching and other nail discomforts, accounts for one-third of fungal skin infections.

According to information published in the Journal of Fungi ,  the infection  is caused by dermatophyte fungi whose ingrained nature in the nail plate makes treatment difficult. Therefore, it is usually a difficult condition to eliminate and whose symptoms tend to reappear over time. Let’s see below what is known about the topic so far.

Onychomycosis: what you need to know

Onychomycosis is a fungal infection located in the fingernails and toenails; however, the latter are usually the most affected. Although not considered a serious condition, it is a public health problem due to its high prevalence, low response to treatment and the clinical impact it causes.

As explained by  the American Academy of Dermatologyhot, humid conditions, such as swimming pool environments or public locker rooms, lead to infection. In addition, it is also related to lack of hygiene, sweating and closed shoes, or any situation that exposes the nails to moisture for a long period of time.

Its symptoms include:

  • White spots or change in nail color.
  • Nail thickening.
  • Brittle nails that break up and rise from the finger.
  • Irregular nails.
  • Itching and bad smell (in some cases)
Nail ringworm
Onychomycosis can appear on the toenails and fingernails.

Most cases are mild and affect nothing but appearance. However, when the infection is complicated, it can be painful for the person and cause irreversible damage to the nails. It is also an infection that requires care in diabetic patients or with diseases that compromise the immune system.

In these patients, medical care is important, as any foot injury, including these infections, can lead to serious complications due to the immune response and circulatory problems they suffer.

Do the remedies for onychomycosis of the hands and feet work?

A wide variety of remedies for onychomycosis have been described in popular literature. However, its use is still questioned by experts. In the study of the Journal of Fungiit was  reported options like oil tea tree and plant known as  pichinchensis ageratin, which have shown to have antifungal activity.

Other substances, such as propolis and  Vick Vaporub,  also had interesting effects against onychomycosis in some pilot studies. In any case, the results are not conclusive and more research is needed to determine the effectiveness of this type of treatment.

Despite this, its use as a complementary treatment is acceptable, as it has not shown relevant adverse effects in humans, which suggests that it can be safe and tolerable. Obviously,  as far as possible, they should be used in conjunction with medical treatment.

Essential Oils to Treat Fungi
Tea tree oil has been shown to have antifungal activity in some studies, which is why it is a treatment option.

Pharmacological Remedies for Onychomycosis

Until now, the most widely accepted remedies for the treatment of onychomycosis are those of a pharmacological nature, although they are still the object of research. Coinciding with a publication in the Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences ,  these therapeutic options are available as topical and oral agents.

Topical agents include lacquer formulations with 5% amorolfine and 8% ciclopirox. Creams, powders and other topical products are not usually as effective as they do not penetrate the skin as easily.

Meanwhile, oral treatment may include griseofulvin, terbinafine, itraconazole, and ketoconazole. These require a longer period of use and involve a greater risk of side effects such as headaches, gastrointestinal disorders and rashes, among others.

Therefore,  its dose and administration time should be directly suggested by the professional. The point to consider is that both options must be used consistently to get results. Otherwise, the infection will likely persist and get worse.

What else can help against onychomycosis?

Faced with a problem such as onychomycosis, it is important to consult a dermatologist in order to receive an accurate diagnosis and obtain the appropriate treatment for your particular case.

In addition, some simple self-care measures can also be applied, such as opting for ventilated shoes, drying your feet well and wearing slippers in wet areas such  as swimming pools, showers and changing rooms.

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