Married For 75 Years, Die Within Hours Of Each Other

Noticing that her husband was not getting better and getting worse, Jeanette also began to have health problems until she was bedridden, as incapacitated as the love of her life. 
Married for 75 years, they die within hours of each other

They have been married for 75 years. They lived together and died together, in the same bed, within a few hours of each other.

For many, the famous “everlasting love” is something that can only be seen in fairy tales or novels. After all, most relationships don’t usually survive very long.

So, it is necessary to meet several people to be able to find someone who completes our lives and makes us feel love.

And while in most cases this is the case, there are some amazing stories. They show us that there is nothing impossible and that two people can love each other for life, even at the moment of death.

This is the case of a relationship between two people who lived in California (United States). At just 8 years old, they met and fell in love. They were married for 75 years until they died almost at the same time.

Not even death separated this couple

Jeanette and Alexander Toczko, an elderly couple from San Diego, California, have been married for 75 years and, curiously, recently passed away within a few hours of each other, in each other’s arms, fulfilling the love that united them until the end.

This love story was documented by Aimee Toczko-Cushman, one of the couple’s daughters. She decided to share and move the whole world. 

Alexander Toczko and his wife, Jeannette, born in Connecticut. They met when they were just 8 years old and later, in 1940, they decided to get married.

As her daughter revealed to ABC channel , “They didn’t like being apart. It was as if their hearts beat at the same time”.

Alezander, 95, was very fond of playing golf. It was then that his health began to deteriorate as a result of a fall he suffered a few weeks before his death. Although the man was seen by specialists, his health deteriorated as the days passed.

Noticing that her husband was not getting better and getting worse, 96-year-old Jeanette also began to experience health problems. Finally, she was put to bed, as incapacitated as Alexander.

However, despite her lack of strength, the woman asked that her hospital bed be placed next to her husband’s. That way, I could take care of him until the last moment.

The couple, married for so long, was going through a very critical moment. He couldn’t get out of bed and she was very depressed. However, both were eagerly awaiting June 29, the date when they would celebrate their 75 years of marriage.

The ending of a beautiful story

Unfortunately, the long-awaited date was not reached, as he died on the night of June 17th and she died the next morning. Despite this, the couple fulfilled one of his last wishes, as he wanted to take his last breaths in her arms, and she was eager to be reunited with him as soon as possible.

Aimee Toczko-Cushman, responsible for caring for her parents, along with her four siblings, also revealed that she was the one in charge of breaking the news of her father’s death to her mother. “I told her Dad was gone. She hugged him and said, “See?! That’s what you wanted, to die in my arms. Love you. Wait for me, I’ll be with you soon’”

It was then when all the children of the couple left the room to provide a moment to suns for their mother with the man she loved so much for all her life.

To everyone’s surprise, in less than 24 hours, they received the news that she was also gone. The lifeless bodies were embraced, just as they had both wanted at some point.

The image of that moment was captured in a photograph that has circulated around the world and has moved millions of people, as it is clear evidence that love can last until the last moment.

Jeanette and Alexander Toczko rest together  at Miramar National Cemetery in San Diego, California.

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