Make Your Own Fridge Magnets

Even if you are not skilled at crafts, the following ideas for creating refrigerator magnets will be practical and fun. Give your home the style you like best by starting with these little details!
Make your own fridge magnets

Few home decorations speak as much about a person as their refrigerator. In it we store all sorts of objects and reminders, although it’s also nice that it retains its appearance. Do you want some ideas to make it more original? Make your own fridge magnets and give it your own personal style.

Decorating a refrigerator can add a touch of personal distinction to a space like the kitchen, which in itself can vary greatly according to the tastes of its users. Although space is limited, there are very creative options for coloring these appliances, which are often monochrome and dull.

We’ll leave some options for refrigerator magnets that are easy to create and very beautiful. Decorate your refrigerator with the following crafts!

Designs for fridge magnets

1. Fruit Fridge Magnets

Fruit Fridge Magnets

To create these colorful fridge magnets, you will need:

  • Toothpicks.
  • Ink.
  • Roll.
  • Strip magnet.
  • Craft dough.
  • White glue.
  • Modeling sticks.

First, you must take a craft dough ball and paint it with the color of the fruit you want to create. In that case, we’re going to create a banana, so the color should be yellow.

Then roll and form a banana with your fingers. Knead against the table to flatten the bottom and, with the help of the toothpick, draw vertical lines and a smile.

Later, you can use smaller balls of paste to add a nose and eyes; paint the eyebrows with oil paints. The ends of the banana can be made with black dough.

To make a watermelon, you must take a red ball of dough to shape the fruit. Once that’s done, make a triangle and draw the face with chopsticks and more dough, just like you did with the banana. Finally, you can add white and green paste to the husk part and place the seeds with black mass.

This applies to raising lots of fruit. With a procedure very similar to a banana, you can create a lemon; while with the same red watermelon, you can make an apple, for example.

The last step is to glue the magnet. To do this, cut a piece of strip and glue it to the back of the fruit with hot silicone glue.

2. Sport fridge magnets

For a man who loves sports – especially for singles – sports-themed fridge magnets are fantastic.

You’ll need some polymer clay, a flexible razor, a brush, paint, and a needle. Obviously, a magnet strip will also be needed.

Its creation process is very simple: as most sports are identified with a ball, the main thing is to create spherical figures with polymer clay. You must take into account the color of the ball to choose the clay.

In the case of the soccer ball, you can take white clay and paint the segments – or whatever design you prefer – with the fine brush and paints.

The details of basketballs or tennis balls can be marked with the needle gently, while for golf ball relief – they are very small circles – you can use a cotton swab. In the case of the rugby ball, you must first draw a circle and then cut it out with the help of your knife. This way you can get the oval figure.

Do you like motorsport? No problem. You can easily create a tire with black clay for the contour and gray clay for the wheel rim. If you want to be more creative, you can try making a helmet and giving it the design that suits you best.

3. Food Fridge Magnets

Candy Fridge Magnets

If we’re talking about magnets for the fridge, it ‘s clear that ice cream, donuts and cupcakes can’t be missing. To make them, you can work with the same materials and elements as the previous options.

You just need to make the shapes for the molds, the triangles for the cake pieces or the circles for the ice cream balls. With that, you will already have a large part of the work done. Sticks and paint can help you add the extra touch to make magnets look great on your fridge.

4. Ladybug Fridge Magnets

These little bugs are as simple as they are adorable. Think about it: you’ll need red semicircles for the wings, black circles for the body, head and eyes, and some white ones for the eye area. You will have a beautiful ladybug who will say good morning to you every morning.

5. Emoji fridge magnets

Emoji Fridge Magnets

Of course, they are the figures of fashion and could not be missed. Emojis can be the perfect protagonists of refrigerator magnets.

Again, you’ll just need yellow craft dough and toothpicks for drawing and painting. With some dedication and firmness, you will have the perfect companions for your kitchen.

Finally, you can also use beer bottle caps to decorate your fridge. Just paint them, place the magnet on the back and you’re done, you’ll have quick and very useful accessories for the appliance.

As you’ve seen, it’s just a matter of creativity. With very little effort and virtually no expense, you’ll make that little change to your kitchen you’ve always wanted.

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