Make Delicious Potato Tortillas At Home

There are many classes of potato tortillas. Starting with eggs and chips, we can combine many different ingredients and get a delicious result.
Prepare delicious potato tortillas at home

Without a doubt, the classic and very Spanish potato tortillas admit many variations that enrich them and make them even more delicious. It can be cooked well-cooked or soft and raw: there are varieties to suit all tastes.

Also, it is said that each cook prepares different potato tortillas, albeit using the same ingredients. Before the recipe, it is good to know some tips  for this preparation to be perfect.

How to make perfect potato tortillas 

The following tips will help you prepare a perfect tortilla:

  • First, the amount of eggs to be included will depend on their size. There are small (less than 53 grams), medium (63 to 53 grams), large (73 to 63 grams), and very large (over 73 grams) sizes.
  • Regarding the proportion of ingredients, it is recommended to add one large egg for every 100 grams of potatoes.
  • Also, it is better to cut the potatoes and potatoes of equal thickness to get a similar cooking of all.
  • Also, we have to cook the potatoes first and then the onion. This is due to the fact that it is not good for the latter to be overcooked. It is even  suggested to do it separately,  in different pans, with benefits in flavor and texture.
  • Furthermore, we must use a mild olive oil, not necessarily extra virgin.
  • On the other hand, a pinch of baking powder when beating the eggs will make the tortilla thick and spongy. Adding a little bit of milk will make it juicy.
  • It is certainly not advisable to beat eggs too much. Furthermore, it is desirable that everything is not homogenized so that it will curdle in a good way.
  • Finally, the best accompaniment to potato tortillas is a good hard-shell bread.

classic potato tortilla


  • 3 large potatoes (120 g)
  • 4 eggs (80 g)
  • 1 large onion (60 g)
  • 1 cup of olive oil (200 ml)
  • salt to taste

Method of preparation

  1. First, peel and chop the potatoes in the form of sticks or julienned and the onion in julienne.
  2. On the other hand, fry the potatoes in olive oil. Add the onion five minutes after the potatoes. Add salt.
  3. Also, with the help of a strainer, remove the oil.
  4. Afterwards, beat the eggs in a container and add a little salt. Add potatoes and onion and mix.
  5. Also, grease a skillet with oil and pour the mixture. Cook the lidded tortilla over medium heat. Turn it over with a flat plate or lid. On the other side, cook in half as long as on the first side.
  6. Finally, serve the tortilla hot or tepid.

Potato and vegetable tortillas

Undoubtedly, a version with vegetables could not be missing from this recipe, which  has an approximate yield for six people.

Potato and vegetable tortillas


  • 1 kg of potatoes
  • 10 large size eggs (200 g)
  • 1 onion (60 g)
  • 2 green peppers (60 g)
  • 1 carrot (30 g)
  • 1 small zucchini (40 g)
  • 200 g of mushrooms
  • Hot pepper powder
  • olive oil and salt

Method of preparation

  1. First, peel and chop the potatoes  into sticks or thin crescents, as you prefer.
  2. Then cut the onion and peppers into juliennes, the carrots and zucchini into very small cubes and the mushrooms into slices.
  3. Also, season vegetables with salt and pepper.
  4. Afterwards, fry the potatoes in oil and add the rest of the vegetables five minutes later. Coe.
  5. On the other hand, beat eggs and add a little salt. Add vegetables and mix.
  6. Next, pour the mixture into a skillet with oil. Cook with the lid over medium heat on both sides.
  7. Finally, serve hot or warm.

Potato tortillas with ham

This variation of the traditional tortilla is also very popular and an energetic dish. The ingredient ratio  is designed for four people.

Potato and vegetable tortillas


  • 6 eggs (150 g)
  • 6 medium potatoes (200 g)
  • 1 medium onion (50 g)
  • 2 sausages cut into slices (120 g)
  • 1 cup chopped cured ham (200 g)
  • 1/2 cup of whole milk (100 ml)
  • 1 cup of olive oil (200 ml)
  • Salt and pepper

Method of preparation

  1. First, peel and cut the potatoes into sticks or thin crescents, as you prefer.
  2. Then cut the onion into juliennes.
  3. On the other hand, fry the potatoes in olive oil. Add the onion five minutes later.
  4. Then, with the help of a strainer, remove the oil.
  5. Afterwards, beat eggs, season and add milk.
  6. Also, add the potatoes, onion, chorizo ​​and ham and mix.
  7. Finally, pour the mixture into a skillet with oil. Cook the covered tortilla over medium heat on both sides.
  8. Serve.

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