Lemon Medicine To Relieve Joint Pain And Cramps

Lemon can be a great ally against joint pain and cramps, as it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Lemon medicine to relieve joint pain and cramps

Joint pain and cramps are common conditions in athletes and elderly people or those who exert great daily muscular effort. At any time, pain can be felt in the knees, elbows or wrists.

One may also experience muscle spasms. Fortunately, there is a natural remedy to alleviate these symptoms: lemon.

If you are in the risk group that suffers from joint pain and cramps, pay attention to the properties and benefits that lemons have to combat these uncomfortable symptoms. However, first of all, we must learn to identify them so as not to confuse them with others, such as dormancy.

What is a cramp and what causes it?

A cramp is  a sudden, involuntary muscle contraction accompanied by pain, according to this report from the US National Library of Medicine. This can be mild or intense to the point of paralyzing the sufferer for a few minutes.

In athletes, it usually occurs at the end of a high-intensity exercise or muscle stress. Other people can feel it at night. They most often appear on the legs, but they can also appear on the feet, hands, arms and abdomen.

person with joint pain

Cramps are caused by muscle tension, low electrolyte levels, lack of blood flow to the muscles, and nerve compression.

What is joint pain and what causes it?

The joint pain presents in any joint and is a symptom of articular lesions or different conditions as:

  • Arthritis
  • arthrosis
  • tendonitis
  • osteoarthritis
  • bursitis

They are usually treated with painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. However, natural alternatives like lemon are excellent supplements to relieve pain.

What are the benefits of lemons against joint pain and cramps?

Lemon is rich in flavonoids, vitamins A, C and E, and also contains citric acid. Vitamin C has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties (according to this study carried out by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil) and helps maintain the body’s collagen. On the other hand, citric acid has diuretic and depurative properties.

Among its benefits are:

  • Strengthen the immune system. This is what this study by the University of Otago (New Zealand) says.
  • Relieve sore throat.
  • Prevent kidney stones, according to this survey by Case Western Reserve University (United States).
  • Stimulate metabolism, as stated in this study by Sugiyama Jogakuen (Japan).

It also has a positive effect when it comes to relieving joint pain and cramps, due to hypokalemia, according to this study carried out by Hospital Evangelismos (Athens). This is due to the large amount of potassium contained in lemon. In this case, the lemon peel is ideal for treatment.

The next time you decide to make lemonade or lemon juice, don’t throw the rind away as you would be missing out on its many benefits.

The lemon peel extracts the essential oil of citronella, an excellent mosquito repellent. It also contains vitamin C and pectin. The latter has depurative properties and contributes to the elimination of bad cholesterol from the body.

In addition, lemon peel has anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties. These make it a wonderful ingredient for relieving joint pain. Take note!

Lemon to relieve joint pain

Lemon peel medicine to relieve joint pain and cramps

If you want to make your own natural remedy for joint pain and cramps, follow the steps below. But don’t forget that this is just a supplement and that you should consult a doctor in any case. The professional’s opinion must always prevail.


  • 1 cup of extra virgin olive oil (250 ml)
  • 2 large lemons, preferably organic
  • 4 eucalyptus leaves

In addition, you will need  some utensils to prepare and apply this remedy. Try to get a glass jar with a lid, kitchen wrap and a bandage (just enough for the area you want to treat).

Method of preparation

  • Peel the two lemons and place the peels inside the glass container. Add the olive oil and make sure it covers the lemon rinds.
  • Take the eucalyptus leaves, cut them into pieces and add them to the mixture. Cover the container tightly and  let it stand for 2 weeks in a dry, dark place.
  • After the indicated time, start to apply the preparation with a gauze. To do this, soak it in oil and leave it as a compress on the affected area. To keep it from moving, take a piece of kitchen wrap and cover the gauze. Secure the dressing with duct tape overnight while you sleep.
  • Repeat treatment every day for best results. If not, the recommended minimum application is 3 times a week.

Remember if!

Remember to be disciplined with your treatment if you want to see results in less time. The secret is to be constant, so prioritize your health and take a few minutes every night to apply the medicine. Likewise, ask a specialist if this might be an alternative therapy for your condition.

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