Learn To Decorate Your Spaces With Plants

Including plants in your indoor spaces is a lot of fun, as it not only allows you to add texture and color to an environment, but also helps you connect with nature and enjoy the benefits it offers.
Learn to decorate your spaces with plants

Surely you know that you can decorate spaces with plants to bring them to life. A touch of green (preferably natural) gives us the feeling that everything is complete and therefore harmonious.

Plants not only purify the air, but also help to considerably reduce static electricity from spaces charged with electronic devices and appliances of various kinds. They have multiple appearances and can make a room look particular.

For example, certain plants can make our living room look wilder and deeper. These usually have broad leaves and a dark green color that is perfect for highlighting the color palette of furniture, accessories, walls and floors.

Elegant decoration with plants

Now, when it comes to decorating spaces with plants,  you must take into account the kind of care that each species deserves, the place where it will be placed (if it has good light or if it is a single point of shade), the colors, the textures and, of course, sizes.

It is generally recommended to use a few large plants indoors. In other words, some can be included in a small environment, but it is not advisable to add more, as space can be reduced and overloaded.

On the other hand, it is recommended to use small plants to add height to the surfaces. To achieve a perfect match,  we must avoid the plant to have the same height as, for example, a decorative vase or a lamp, located in the same place. If the plant is bigger or smaller, visually it won’t be a problem, but if both elements have the same height, it won’t be harmonious.

How to decorate spaces with plants?

Many people think that you can only have plants if you have a huge garden or a big room inside the house. However, this is a mistaken belief. In fact, you can include plants in your indoor spaces, though not in the same way you would in a garden. Some of the easiest and most common ways to decorate your spaces with plants are as follows:

  • Shelves.  You can make it from the material and size you want. This place is great for placing small plants in decorated jars or pots.
  • Cabinets. You can place them on an undecorated wall. It’s a great place for medium-sized plants.
  • Hooks on the ceiling. When space is at a premium, you can choose to hang a hook on the canvas and hang a plant.
  • Large vases. You can place them in a corner of the room. If you like, you can put a large vase behind and one or two smaller ones in front. This way you can place plants of different sizes, where they will all be visible and will not cover each other.

Considerations for decorating spaces with plants

  • Light.  Some plants need more light than others. You must take this detail into account so that the chosen plant does not suffer and develop well. If you need a lot of light, place it near a window.
  • Ventilation. All plants need good ventilation, which is also important for a home. They will help you to purify the air.
  • Moisture. This is a fundamental point. While some plants need very little water and moisture, like cacti, others only thrive in humid environments.
  • Irrigation. Think very carefully about the time you can spend taking care of your plants, as some may only need to be watered once a week and others may need to be watered more often.

How to decorate with plants of different sizes?

After we’ve defined the type of plant we’re going to choose and where we want it to be, let’s focus on decoration. Not only should they look beautiful, but they should match the place they were assigned to so they can always be in perfect condition.  Since the dimensions of plants vary a lot, we will divide them into three groups for better guidance.

Wall decorated with plants

small plants

These are very versatile. You can put them on shelves, on tables, on walls, in cabinets and so on. There are many varieties you can choose from. Among the most common are:

  • With flowers, which bring color to the environment.
  • Cacti; they’re great for decorating, and the care they require is minimal.
  • Horsetail; is a hydrophilic plant that lives only in water. You can place stones to decorate the vase.
  • Aerial plans. They don’t need land and their care is great for beginners.

Medium plants

There is a lot of variety among medium plants. You can choose flowering plants, which in addition to providing color and texture to your decor, will also provide a pleasant scent. A highly recommended option are the so-called “succulents”, which are very colorful and easy to care for. They should be watered twice a week at most.

big plants

Large plants should be placed in large pots so that their roots can develop properly. This type of plant is perfect for filling an empty corner or any other unused space.

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