Learn To Combine Foods To Lose Weight Quickly

In addition to making healthy food combinations, it is essential to include physical activity in our routine so that we can burn more calories and lose weight more easily.
Learn to combine foods to lose weight quickly

If we want a healthy body, we must follow a balanced diet and combine foods in an intelligent way so that we can lose those extra pounds.

Even on a diet, can’t you lose those extra pounds?  In fact, there are no bad foods. Each one has nutrients, but we don’t know how to use them.

For example, when we serve a dish with double the serving of carbohydrates, the only thing we do is welcome body fat.

We all have doubts when starting a plan to lose weight, but the key is to use food to your advantage. If you mix them properly, stepping on the scale will not be a problem.

Below we show you how to combine foods in the best way to support your weight loss efforts:

Suggestions for combining foods and losing weight

oat and blueberries

This mixture is ideal for breakfast : a little oatmeal with blueberries.

  • The cereal will help you eliminate cholesterol from the blood, as it works like a machine that cleans the fat that is stuck in the arteries.
  • Blueberries, on the other hand, have a high content of antioxidants, fiber, potassium and vitamin C.

In addition, both  increase the production of leptin and ghrelin,  the hormones that are in charge of controlling hunger.

lentils and rice

Lentils and rice to lose weight

The combination of cereals and pulses is essential in a good diet, especially if we want to obtain a high quality of protein. In addition, thanks to their plant origin, they also bring us vitamins, fiber and minerals.

The mixture of lentils and rice provides us with amino acids and improves digestion.

Noodles and vegetables

Pasta and vegetables to lose weight

This union is not very common, but if you want to say goodbye to being overweight, forget the myth that “noodles make you fat” : the key is to eat the proper portions.

It’s time to make them part of your diet. The reason? Its slow absorption favors the digestion process, since nutrients are absorbed in a meticulous way.

Furthermore, if combined with vegetables, it adds fiber, that is, it  controls excess glucose without the extra pounds chasing us.

It is recommended to consume the combination in the early hours of the day to prevent calories from building up in the body.

wholemeal bread and cheese

Combine foods to lose weight

Thanks to the high amounts of fiber and antioxidants it contains, wholegrain bread gives you a feeling of fullness. That way we can avoid hunger for up to four hours.

Also, if mixed with cheese,  the protein provides energy and speeds up metabolism.

Do not hesitate to consume this dish if you want to control body fat.

fish and rice

Combine fish and rice to lose weight

If there is a food that offers vitamins, proteins and iron, it is fish.

However, we can eat and eat without feeling satisfied, as its consistency is very soft.

It is recommended to  combine it with rice, preferably wholemeal, as this favors the elimination of toxins and fiber improves digestion.


  • Eat five meals a day.
  • Do some physical activity.
  • Drink at least four to five glasses of water throughout the day.
  • Avoid soft drinks.
  • Do not combine more than two foods from the same group.

So what combination are you going to start with?

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