Learn How To Strengthen Bones

Want to know how to strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis? Stay tuned!
Know how to strengthen bones

Learn how to prevent diseases like osteoporosis and how to strengthen your bones in the following article.

Osteoporosis is a disease that causes severe damage to bones due to loss of bone mass and can lead to serious fractures. Also, the most common cause is aging.

Furthermore, it is characterized by being more common in women and rarely presenting symptoms.

Know how to strengthen bones

How to know if I have osteoporosis

A simple test is able to diagnose the disease. When performing bone densitometry, it is possible to check the strength of the bone in a few minutes.

Upon receiving the diagnosis, the disease can be treated with calcium and vitamin D drugs, hormonal therapy, injections that lead to the formation of new bone, and physical exercise.

How to strengthen your bones

There are several foods that combined form an important weapon against osteoporosis. So from now on we’ll show you some tips on how to keep your bones strong  and keep them healthy.

tea as an ally

An excellent tea that can be taken daily is  horsetail. In addition, its consumption is aimed at elderly people with osteoporosis and contains substances capable of strengthening bones and reducing possible fractures.

Its preparation is quick and simple. Simply put a liter of water and two dried horsetail leaves in a pan. Then let it boil and after it has cooled, just strain and drink.

Tea to strengthen your bones

The power of juices

The combination of carrots and kale forms an unbeatable juice to strengthen your bones.  It also contains calcium, iron, sulfur and vitamins A and C, which are essential substances not only for strengthening bones, but also for maintaining a healthy body.

Furthermore, its consumption helps in the physical preparation of athletes, as well as  preventing rheumatism, arthrosis and attrition. To prepare it you will need two carrots, a spoon of powdered soy milk, a cup of coconut water and three sprigs of pigweed.

Then, just blend all the ingredients in a blender and drink it in the morning daily.

Another healthy juice favorable to fighting osteoporosis is kale, which is a source of calcium; which strengthens bones and teeth.

Cabbage not only protects against bone diseases, but also  against degenerative diseases by presenting bioflavonoids.

To prepare the juice, simply mix 200 ml of passion fruit juice and five well-washed cabbage leaves. Then place them in a blender and blend together with the passion fruit juice. Ready, just take it!

carrot juice to strengthen your bones

Foods rich in calcium

Since calcium is the primary element for bone strengthening, below we will list foods that are rich in this element:

  • Milk and its derivatives in general;
  • Virgin olive oil;
  • Fresh fish and especially canned sardines;
  • Fruit juices;
  • Vegetables, cereals and potatoes;
  • Lean meats.

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