Learn About The Benefits Of Eating Oats

Consuming oats on a regular basis helps to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Also, thanks to its phytochemicals, it can protect us against cancer.
Learn about the benefits of consuming oats

Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This meal allows our body to start the day with all the energy to face the day better. Have you ever wondered why it’s always good to eat oats for the first meal of the day? Learn more below!

 Most Outstanding Benefits of Oats

Oat is depurative

Thanks to the large amount of amino acids, the production of lecithin in the liver is stimulated, which favors the clearance of toxins from the body. Consuming oats is good for cleaning the artery walls, as the fiber removes accumulated fat deposits that can lead to many health problems, such as heart problems.

Helps control blood sugar levels

This is excellent news for diabetics. Of course, these people should add oats to their diets; in order to improve starch digestion and keep blood glucose stable, especially after eating.

Consume oatmeal in the diet.

Improves digestion

This cereal contributes to the reduction of bile acids, facilitating intestinal transit and preventing constipation. Because it is rich in slow-absorbing carbohydrates, oats keep the feeling of fullness longer. Making it a good alternative for dieters, as it removes the desire to eat every hour.

It has high value proteins

In total there are 8 essential amino acids in oat; making it a source of proteins of great biological value. This quality allows the formation of new tissues in the body.

It has anticancer properties

Some studies indicate properties of oats as a protective weapon against cancer; an increasingly common disease. This is due to the phytochemicals present in oats. It is therefore advisable to consume oats every day, to reduce the chances of getting breast and colon cancer.

Consuming oats can prevent cancer.

Consuming oats is good for the heart

High content of omega 3 and linoleic acids, known as “good fats”, which help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL); favoring the activities of the heart and brain.

Helps the central nervous system

Thanks to the B-complex vitamins, it develops, maintains and balances the functioning of the nervous system.

Prevents thyroid gland problems

Mainly hypothyroidism. Because it contains iodine, a mineral that helps to maintain the correct functioning of the glands.

Prevents osteoporosis

Because of the high levels of calcium (necessary for good bone health), a mineral that helps prevent demineralization.

helps to lose weight

Therefore, it should be consumed on an empty stomach or at breakfast, along with skimmed or soy milk, orange juice or nuts.

It is one of the best sources of energy there are

Therefore, it is recommended to consume in the first hour of the morning, or before noon. Mainly for those who work long hours away from home or have to study for an exam.

It is a great ally in beauty treatments

The properties of oats are not only used by the digestive system. As it can also be used topically (externally) for aesthetic routine. For example, mix it with moisturizer and have a really wonderful face scrub. It’s much more economical than any other beauty treatment.

How to consume oats?

In summary, these are the best ways to add this wonderful cereal to your daily diet:

Oat Vitamin:

First, add an apple, a banana, a pear, milk or yogurt in a blender, along with a few tablespoons of oatmeal and blend well. This delicious drink can be consumed at any time of the day to make your body feel healthier. Sweeten with sugar if necessary.


They can be savory or sweet, according to your preferences. Make it with a little oatmeal and milk, then fill it with vegetables and spices, jam, sweets, etc.

Oat Bread:

It’s a really delicious wholegrain bread. You can add cinnamon and nutmeg and don’t forget to add yeast to make it rise in the oven. Likewise, it is possible to add raisins, seeds, nuts, chocolate, etc.

Consuming oat bread is good for your health

Oatmeal cookies:

They are certainly an excellent option for an afternoon snack. There are varieties with coconut, almonds or walnuts.

Salad Ingredients:

For example: chop onions, tomatoes, boiled potatoes, cucumbers, lettuce. And then, grate carrots. Afterwards, the special touch: oat grains, which must be cooked (if desired, with salt) for 25 minutes, strained and washed with cold water.

To bread vegetables or meat:

Instead of using breadcrumbs or wheat flour, you can use oatmeal to make eggplant or pumpkin, chicken, fish, meat, etc. breadcrumbs.

In the breakfast:

It is without doubt one of the most popular dishes. For example, oats are put raw in flakes over milk or yogurt, some do it directly into orange juice. This way, it will help to avoid constipation and will bring a lot of energy for the whole day.

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