Juices And Vitamins To Fight Hair Loss

Honey has vasodilating properties and is rich in vitamins and minerals that strengthen, smooth and nourish the hair. Sweeten your shakes and juices with it to enjoy its benefits.
Juices and vitamins to fight hair loss

At some times of the year, hair tends to suffer more from falling out than usual. With that in mind, today we’ll talk about juices and vitamins to fight hair loss naturally.

In this article, we will explain the most natural way to supplement your body to prevent and treat hair loss, taking daily juices and vitamins that contain the nutrients necessary for your hair health.

Plus, you’ll still enjoy its delicious taste. Try it!

Previous note

To combat hair loss, it is important to avoid salt and dairy products. Therefore, these juices and shakes do not contain these ingredients. On the other hand, we can use a little margarine instead of salt, and vegetable drinks, in the case of dairy products.

Oat vitamin, fresh nettle and cinnamon

This vitamin, although surprising to us, has a great taste.

The most important ingredient is fresh nettle, which we must catch wearing gloves and from an uncontaminated area.

Nettle, rich in vitamins (such as A, C, D and K) and minerals (such as potassium, phosphorus and iron), is an ingredient present in many shampoos.

On the other hand, oats are a very nutritious cereal that helps us take care of everything from our hair to our skin.

We will hit the following ingredients:

  • 1 liter of hot water
  • 4 tablespoons of oat
  • A handful of fresh green nettle leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of ceylon cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons of cane sugar

If you like, you can strain the vitamin so it has a less grainy texture. Always serve cold.

Green vitamin to fight hair loss

red grape juice with honey

This is an ancient remedy that is easy to prepare and delicious. We can prepare the grape juice in a blender or an electric mixer. In the second case, we must strain it before consuming it.

Use natural red grapes, including their seeds, as this is the part of the fruit that has the most beneficial properties. Sweeten the drink with quality bee honey.

Tradition recommends drinking this juice on an empty stomach for only 30 days.

Red grapes contain tannins, flavonoids, protein, vitamin A, B-complex vitamins and vitamins C, K, D and E. It also contains potassium, phosphorus and iron, among other minerals.

Red grape juice with honey to fight hair loss

Green vitamin with brewer’s yeast

Green vitamins, which we’ve talked about in other articles, are great for your health and are also supposed to help us fight hair loss by providing us with numerous vitamins and minerals.

For this health problem, we recommend the following combination:

  • Spinach: contains magnesium, folic acid, pantothenic acid and vitamin C, which is involved in collagen synthesis. This forms part of the hair and helps with iron absorption.
  • Avocado: very nutritious and complete food.
  • Spirulina: helps us to make up for the lack of vitamin B12, which causes hair loss and the appearance of gray hair.
  • Brewer’s yeast : is the natural nutrient that provides more B vitamins, a considerable amount of essential amino acids and numerous minerals.

Sweeten the smoothie with bee honey, cane honey or agave syrup.

Mediterranean juice to fight hair loss

This juice contains typically Mediterranean ingredients, but they are all great for fighting hair loss.

  • ripe tomato
  • Onion: rich in sulfur
  • Fresh basil: has great antioxidant power
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Apple vinegar
  • A drop of seawater to replace salt.

Drink ice cream as a starter before lunch.

Mediterranean juice to prevent hair loss

Almond, fig and cocoa vitamin

This vitamin will please the whole family and will mainly provide us with a large amount of magnesium and zinc. It is very nutritious and energetic, so we recommend taking it in the morning.

  • One liter of water.
  • Two handfuls of raw almonds, previously soaked for at least two hours.
  • One tablespoon of powdered dark chocolate.
  • 4 fresh, dried figs (soaked, too).

Beat the ingredients together until you get a smooth texture. If the sweetness of the figs isn’t enough, you can sweeten the vitamin a little using honey.


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