Inability To End A Relationship By Loving Another

The main reason we are not able to end a relationship even though we have another person at heart is the fear of facing the situation.
Inability to end a relationship by loving another

Ideally, the person we love is our partner. However, this is not always the case. We often keep a commitment to someone while our heart points to someone else. Why are we unable to end a relationship if we love someone else?

Today we will talk about the reasons why we  remain with someone even though we no longer love them. You will understand that you are not alone and that, even if you do not believe it, there are ways out of your situation.

Why can’t we end a relationship if we love someone else?

woman thinking about another person

The reasons why we are not able to leave our partner even though we do not love him are many. We present the main reasons:

  • Commitment. When we decide to have a relationship,  we tacitly acquire the commitment to be with the person for life. So it’s easy to feel stuck between what you think you should be and what your emotions indicate.
  • Fear of hurting someone else. As much as we fail to love our partner, we prefer to sacrifice ourselves for fear of hurting him, sacrificing our own happiness.
  • Fear of the future. The person we are in a relationship with, regardless of whether we love them or not,  brings us a certain sense of stability that we fear we will lose  by trading for something that would involve starting from scratch with a new romance.
  • Social environment. What family and friends will say weighs heavily on the decisions we make. Separating because of loving another person is not well regarded in society, especially when the person who has ceased to love is a woman.
  • Sons. When there are children in the middle, you are likely to choose to sacrifice yourself, while still loving another, with the thought of your children growing up in a home with both parents. This prevents a lot in ending a relationship.


Leaving aside those reasons why we are not able to end a relationship despite being in love with another, we must consider the consequences of this act:

  • Hostile environment. The discomfort caused by not wanting to be with someone  can translate into aggressive behavior,  creating a hostile environment at home, which ends up affecting our happiness and that of all members of the place, including the children.
  • Frustration. As much as we repeat over and over again that the right thing is to stay by your partner’s side, the fact that  you can’t live with someone you truly love fills anyone with frustration  and irritation.
  • Depression. Feelings repressed for a long time end up generating states of constant anxiety and sadness that can affect self-esteem.
  • Infidelity. The fear of leaving the partner and starting life with a new person makes us take the dangerous path of infidelity. A situation that, if  discovered, will pose more problems than if we had brought up the matter from the beginning.

What to do?

The healthiest thing is to be with the person you love. Reflect on how strong this feeling is and whether the person on the other side feels the same way. Assess how much you will be sacrificing by not hurting others.

So imagine what life might be like with that person over the years. Can you imagine going through the trauma of termination so that, in a few years, everything would happen again with the other person?

Talk about the situation with your current partner. Explain that this has nothing to do with your value as a person, that feelings can change, and that you need time away to make a final decision. Sincerity is one of the deepest qualities we can have as a partner.

Even though sometimes, I still love the other, we believe that we are not able to finish, the endings are necessary. When you are no longer happy with a person, it is time to finish  and move towards another direction. Overcome instabilities with maturity and security, not only in the relationship, but in life in general.

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