Ikigai, The Japanese Secret To Living Better

The ikigai is our reason for being and the sooner we know how to recognize it, the sooner we can begin to play our role in the world and move forward without wasting any time.
Ikigai, the Japanese secret to living better

The  ikigai is what is known as “reason for being”, and in Japanese culture it is believed that each of us has a ikigai.

This word unknown to many refers to what gives meaning to our lives. What is our goal? What are we here for?

This reason for being is in each one of us, it is born with us. However, there is a problem.

The problem with ikigai is that, although we all have it, not all of us can find it. For some it takes years, for others just months, and there are still those who know their reason for being from an early age.

Get your ikigai and be happy

sad and pensive young woman

According to Japanese culture, once you have found your ikigai it is impossible for you not to be happy. When you find what gives meaning to life, you get up every day with energy and energy.

This is a problem that plagues many people in Western culture. Few know their reason for being and, therefore, they live almost by inertia.

Do you want to know how to find your ikigai or, if you’ve already found yours, what to do so you don’t lose it? So keep an eye out for these important points.

follow your ikigai

Even if you haven’t found your ikigai at the moment, it’s important that you know that inside you there is something, a passion or a talent that you haven’t been paying attention to.

For example, you may not have realized that you have a special gift for motivating your friends and that perhaps your ikigai is to become a coach or a motivational speaker.

Search within yourself, that is your goal, and then chase your ikigai every step of the way.

live in the present moment

happy woman in the middle of nature

As we mentioned earlier, there are many people who live on autopilot, something that doesn’t happen to those who know their reason for being.

The reason is that these people live in the present moment putting aside all thoughts of the past and future that are taking up valuable space in their minds.

Try mindfullness or some form of meditation. Perhaps you will discover what gives meaning to your life when you least expect it.

don’t conform, move

Sometimes we want to take a vacation to do nothing, or we’d just love to have enough money so we don’t have to work for a living.

However, spending and not doing anything that enriches us personally could become a torment over the years. So don’t conform.

Don’t settle for that mediocre job that doesn’t fill you, don’t settle for doing things moderately well. Strive, overcome and advance. Have something to add to this world, don’t waste your time.

do what you love

japanese woman breathing deeply

What you enjoy doing? Running, playing an instrument, reading, traveling? Do what you love and don’t make excuses. If you don’t dedicate yourself, you will lose your ikigai and will have to get it back.

Sometimes the “I don’t have time”, “I don’t have the money” or “I’ll leave it for later” help us to postpone what we would like to do here and now.

Perhaps we believe that we will live forever, when in reality that is not the case. Do you remember that you have to live in the present? So stop putting off what you want.

take care of your surroundings

The surroundings are very important. Being surrounded by nature and walking in it, favoring healthy friendships around us and being positive will help your ikigai.

We often complain and keep toxic people by our side… What for? This is of no use to us other than stepping back.

Take care of your surroundings, enjoy nature, you will realize that everything is much simpler than it seems and that your ikigai is just around the corner.

Can’t find your reason to get up every morning? Start being more positive by taking small steps forward, get to know yourself better, and when you least expect it, you’ll know what you’re in this world for.

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