How To Whiten Teeth With Banana Peel

It is very important to brush your teeth and rinse them after treatment to prevent residues from getting into your mouth. You will see results in a week.
How to Whiten Teeth with Banana Peel

Everyone wants to have a beautiful smile, worthy of a magazine cover, with white, healthy teeth. However, the reality is often a little different as many people have to deal with stains and yellowing teeth. Here’s how to whiten your teeth with banana peel.

There are some specific habits and foods considered to be responsible for the teeth yellowing process, and avoiding them is certainly important to maintain a white smile.

In addition, there are some natural ways to treat these problems and whiten your teeth in a simple, cheap and healthy way, using staple foods that we can find even at home, such as banana peel.

Why do teeth turn yellow?

Tooth enamel is naturally white and thick, but over time, as it wears away, it can become translucent and reveal the next layer of teeth, called dentin.

Dentin is naturally more yellowish than tooth enamel, so the thinner the enamel layer becomes, the more yellow your teeth will appear.

There are several factors that can contribute to the weakening of this layer and, consequently, to the appearance of stains and the yellowing of teeth.

Some foods and substances are considered to be the main culprits in this process.

  • Dark colored beverages such as coffee, black tea, soda and red wine have chromogenic substances, which are pigment producers and can stain teeth.
  • Acidic foods and drinks can make the process worse, as they corrode tooth enamel, making chromogenic substances adhere to them more easily. The tannin, present in red wine, also has this corrosive power.
  • Foods and beverages that contain a lot of sugar, such as candy and soda, also interfere with keeping your teeth white.
  • Substances present in some mouthwashes and several antibiotics can discolor teeth and cause yellowish stains

More reasons

  • Smoking and chewing tobacco are well known for causing damage to health and the color of teeth. Cigarettes can cause oral cancer, gingivitis and halitosis, in addition to yellowing stains on teeth, tongue and mucous membranes, even managing to leave darker stains in the mouth, known as smoker’s melanosis.
Cigarette damages teeth

  • Genetic factors must also be taken into account. Some people are simply born with a thinner, weaker layer of enamel, making the second layer, which is naturally yellowish, to appear more easily.
  • Age is also a relevant factor, as tooth enamel becomes thinner and more worn over the years.
  • Finally,  poor oral hygiene causes bacterial plaque to accumulate on the teeth, contributing to a yellowish appearance and the appearance of stains.

How to whiten teeth with banana peel?

We are constantly bombarded with advertisements for products capable of whitening teeth.

However, some people may prefer a more natural approach, without chemical and artificial components, using only a cheap food that is already present in most people’s normal diet: bananas.

It seems hard to believe, but the banana peel has an ideal combination of minerals: potassium, magnesium and manganese, which allows removing stains and whitening teeth without any abrasive substances or harmful to oral health.

It also contains calcium and vitamin D, which help strengthen your teeth and help them absorb other minerals as best they can.

banana peel to whiten teeth

Follow this simple method step by step to test what it can do for your smile:

  • Choose a ripe banana, as it will contain a greater amount of minerals capable of whitening your teeth.
  • Peel the banana from the bottom to the top, as this direction allows more fibers to remain in the skin.
  • Take a piece of peel and rub gently over teeth until covered with a layer of banana “paste”.
  • Let it act for about 5 minutes, avoiding the lips to touch the teeth to allow greater absorption of minerals.
  • After this time, rinse and brush your teeth normally to remove the banana from your teeth.
  • The results are not immediate. Ideally, apply once a day for two weeks to notice the difference.
  • It can be difficult to tell if your teeth have actually whitened, so take a before and after photo to check the effectiveness of the method.

There are other at-home methods that can help with teeth whitening. Brushing them with baking soda is a simple option that often gives good results as well.

Another alternative is to combine baking soda with strawberries, making a paste that can be applied to teeth for a few minutes and promote whitening.

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