How To Treat Toothache?

Placing an onion slice so that its juice is released on the affected tooth will help relieve the pain.

They say there is nothing worse than toothache and foot pain. For the first case, we can use several natural recipes before visiting a doctor. But remember: if natural and homemade treatment cannot help, it is essential to consult a dentist.

Causes of toothache

In most cases, toothache is related to caries, more specifically when they have already reached the nerve and affected it. However, there are other causes:

  • Earache;
  • Dental abscess;
  • Poor hygiene;
  • Infections;
  • Strong impacts;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Heart attack;
  • Mouth or jaw injury;
  • Food decomposed in the tooth;
  • Irritation from any food that was left between two teeth;
teenager with toothache

Thus, the most common symptoms are:

  • Swelling;
  • Stinging pains (like stabbing);
  • Bad breath;
  • Pulsation in the area.

Recommendations for toothache

If you suffer from toothache frequently, see a specialist, but also consider the following tips:

  • Cool the region from the outside, using a cold compress placed on the outside of the cheek, for example;
  • Be careful when consuming very hot, very cold or very sweet foods or drinks, especially when the region is painful;
  • Keep your head up when you sleep, as lifting helps relieve pressure in this region of the face;
man with toothache

  • Try to be distracted by some activity, like watching a movie, going for a walk, cycling or jogging, for example. That’s because sport releases endorphins that can naturally relieve pain;
  • Use dental floss to remove all the food debris that has remained between your teeth, as the toothbrush is not always able to eliminate. But be careful! Because the use of dental floss has to be careful not to hurt the gums.

home remedies

If we ask our grandmothers, mothers or aunts, we are sure that each one will tell us a different and very effective recipe for this problem. Therefore, some of the most used are:

  • Put a small amount of cloves on the painful tooth;
  • Prepare a mouthwash by mixing 5 cloves, a little turmeric, a pinch of salt and a cup of water. Put to heat and then, when it boils, leave for 10 minutes in the fire. After that time, remove from heat and let it rest and cool. Rinse between 4 and 5 times a day;
  • Chew fresh parsley leaves with your aching tooth to relieve the pain sensation;
  • Hold a sip of any liquor or white drink (such as whiskey) in your mouth for a few seconds. The gums will absorb the alcohol and then numb the painful tooth;
  • Mix an egg yolk with a spoonful of honey, bread crumbs, alcohol and cayenne pepper. Put it in gauze and press the affected tooth with it;
  • Press a raw onion against the tooth until it releases its juice;
  • Apply hot compresses of mashed potatoes, rice, or flaxseed flour to the cheek, as well as a gauze soaked with warm chamomile tea;
Chamomile for toothache

More home remedies…

  • Mash poppy roots with a teaspoon of salt, apply to affected tooth (But beware! This is not advisable for anyone suffering from fluid retention or high blood pressure);
  • Grind parsley leaves and a tablespoon of salt, forming a paste that should be placed on the cheek where the pain is felt;
  • Boil a cup of water with 2 tablespoons of wormwood, let it cool and then, while it’s still warm, mouthwash without drinking the water. Keep the liquid in the affected tooth for a few minutes for it to take effect;
  • Boil two tablespoons of sesame seeds and a cup of water until the liquid is reduced by half. Soak a cotton ball and then apply it to the tooth. It is also possible to make mouthwash with the mixture to relieve pain;
  • Mash 3 cloves of garlic, with 3 tablespoons of olive oil, and let it rest for 4 days. With a dropper, apply 6 drops of this warm mixture on the tooth that hurts;
  • Place a pouch of black tea on the gum next to the tooth that bothers you for a few minutes.

Images provided by Irina Patrascu, Katie Brady, Martin Cathrae and Mike Burns

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