How To Treat Intestinal Parasites

They have different names. They are known as amoebas, tapeworms, parasites or solitary. Would you like to know how to treat intestinal parasites? So, keep reading this article and learn a little more about it.

The intestinal parasites that inhabit our intestines are grouped into colonies and they live thanks to us.

They compete for the consumption of nutrients and food, so they can cause us many problems. Intestinal worms can be microscopic or they can be several centimeters long.

Among the first, we can highlight the protozoa or amoebas (which are transmitted by contaminated water), the Cryptosporidium (when the person has low immunity), Giardia lamblia (by food, water or fecal material).

Among the intestinal worms that can be observed without a microscope are included Hookworm (feeds on blood), Trichuris (destroys the intestinal walls), Ascaris lumbricoides (can measure up to 30 meters in length and lodge in the small intestine).

Also  vermicular Enterobius (mainly attack children), solitary or Taenia (due to consumption of undercooked pork).


What are the causes of intestinal parasites?

  • weakened immune system
  • Too much fast food
  • high blood pressure
  • emotional depression
  • stress peaks
  • Lack of hygiene when preparing food
  • Infected raw food
  • Do not wash your hands before eating
  • Do not wash your hands after going to the bathroom
  • Follow a nutrient-poor diet
  • Walking barefoot in infected places

What symptoms are related to the existence of the parasites?

  • Anemia
  • general pallor
  • Cramps
  • Headache
  • Tiredness
  • slimming
  • intense cough
  • teeth grinding
  • Fever
  • Lack of appetite
  • sleep with open eyes
  • vomiting
  • Insomnia
  • Itching in the buttocks or anus
  • angry or violent behavior

How to prevent intestinal parasites?

maintain good personal hygiene

Always wash your hands when leaving the bathroom, coming in from the street, after touching money, before cooking, after changing a diaper, etc.

Follow a healthy diet

In this way, the immune system will not be weakened and you will avoid the contamination by worms by any of the ways indicated above. Consume more vitamin C and A.

Boil water

If you are unsure of the potability of water, for example on a trip, it is best to boil it. If you can’t do this, drink bottled water and pay attention to its color and flavor.

wash food well

Mainly those that are eaten raw, such as fruits and vegetables. Try to consume the meat well done.

Fruits and vegetables to treat intestinal parasites

Natural Remedies for Intestinal Parasites

If you have intestinal parasites, it is necessary to carry out a treatment as soon as possible to expel them from the body and so that they do not keep increasing in size and quantity (these parasites reproduce quickly).

If the affected person is an adult, for two or three days, he must consume pineapple and two cloves of garlic (one fasting and the other at noon), nothing else.

You should also drink two liters of water with several drops of lemon juice. In turn, you should prepare parsley infusions and drink two liters during the day.

Food to treat intestinal parasites

In this way, the parasites will become weaker and can be eliminated more quickly. Remember that these days it’s not good to leave the house, as you could have colitis or diarrhea.

You can reduce symptoms by drinking two cups of rice water (the same one used for boiling after filtering).

Once these detox days are over, maintain a healthy diet for five days. Do not consume white flour, refined sugars, dairy products, fried foods or meat.

Keep drinking plenty of water and consume raw vegetables. Keep it at rest.

If the patient is a child, have him eat fresh garlic on an empty stomach. May crush and mix with lemon.

Follow this diet for a week, in which the child should eat only vegetables and fruits (in large amounts, if you have a strong appetite).

More Home Remedies for Worms:

Recipe 1 for Intestinal Parasites


  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 cup of hot water (250 ml)

Method of preparation

Put the peeled and crushed garlic in hot water and let it stand overnight. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

Recipe 2 for Intestinal Parasites


  • ½ spoon of thyme
  • ½ spoon of gentian root
  • ½ spoon of bitter chamomile
  • ½ cup of water (125 ml)

Method of preparation

Boil water with herbs for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and let it stand for another 10 minutes. Drink on an empty stomach. Repeat for 10 days in a row (children) or 20 days (adults).

Tea to treat intestinal parasites

Recipe 3 for Intestinal Parasites


  • 1 bunch of mint or mint
  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • ½ cup of milk

Method of preparation

Boil the mint with water and strain. Mix with garlic cloves and milk. Let it cool and drink right away. It is necessary to consume on an empty stomach.

Milk to treat intestinal parasites

Recipe 4 for Intestinal Parasites


  • 2 scoops of pumpkin seeds
  • ½ cup of warm water (125 ml)

Method of preparation

Mix both and drink on an empty stomach.

Recipe 5 for Intestinal Parasites


  • ¼ cup of milk (62 ml)
  • 4 pumpkin seeds

Method of preparation

Grind the seeds and dissolve in warm milk. Drink on an empty stomach for a week.

Recipe 6 for Intestinal Parasites


  • ¼ cup of orange juice (62 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of papaya juice
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil

Method of preparation

Mix everything and drink in the morning to eliminate the worms.

Recipe 7 for Intestinal Parasites

Olive oil to treat intestinal parasites


  • 500 ml of extra virgin olive oil
  • 60 g of dried wormwood plant

Method of preparation

Leave both elements to macerate in a dark, airtight jar for 10 days. Then consume two scoops a day, fasting.

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