How To Organize The Kitchen According To Marie Kondo

On this occasion, hand in hand with the organization’s guru, Marie Kondo, we’ve compiled some tips to make the kitchen more organized. Matter to you? Be sure to apply these tips at home!
How to organize the kitchen according to Marie Kondo

Want to learn how to organize the kitchen according to Marie Kondo? Nowadays, the guru of the Japanese organization is on the lips of thousands for starring in “Order in the house with Marie Kondo” on Netflix. In 8 chapters, the expert offers a series of tips for families with children through her “ Konmari ” method .

Now, Kondo has an interesting philosophy that he tried to convey to everyone through his books and his television show: “From the moment you start organizing, you are forced to restart your life” . Applying this to spaces like the kitchen, he proposes some strategies for achieving order. Discover everything in this article!

Organize the kitchen according to Marie Kondo

Are you one of those people who has to empty the entire kitchen cupboard to get a pot out? Do you accumulate sticky, lidless containers?  Is cleaning the kitchen an odyssey because of the sheer number of things?   If your answers are yes, you need to know how to organize the kitchen according to Marie Kondo. So, then, we’ll give you the most precious tips!

Minimalism, the main rule for organizing the kitchen according to Marie Kondo

Rate the kitchen according to Marie Kondo

The first recommendation to follow Marie Kondo’s style when organizing the kitchen is to opt for a minimalist style. Although there are those who prefer pots and spoons in sight, in this case the proposal is to free up space to obtain a more serene environment.

Kondo, in his book Spark Joy (which does not have a Portuguese edition), suggests avoiding placing items on kitchen countertops, around the sink, or near the heat. In a nutshell, first, work surfaces in the kitchen must be freed as much as possible.

take inventory

To apply minimalism in the kitchen, it is necessary to take an inventory of all the utensils we have. Sometimes, not knowing how to optimize space makes us distribute different objects on kitchen shelves, dining room or auxiliary furniture.

By bringing them all together at the same point, we can determine what really helps us to do away with what is of no use. That done, let’s go to the next step.

To discard

After taking an inventory of the entire kitchen, it is possible to identify useful objects and those that are useless or damaged. At this point, it ‘s time to apply one of Marie Kondo’s main recommendations for organizing the kitchen: “elimination”.

One of the main pillars of the “Konmari” method is keeping only what makes us happy. Therefore, if an object does not serve us or is damaged, it is better to discard it. After taking all the utensils out of the inventory, the ideal is to keep only the essentials. In addition, we can take this time to completely clean the kitchen furniture and cabinets.

clean the bench

Organized kitchen

Returning to the recommendations in the first point, it is especially important to mention the need to completely clean the countertop. As we know, this is one of the areas in the kitchen where we work the most when preparing food; therefore, it often ends up splashed with oil or food residues.

Considering this, having pots, containers, pans or any other utensils can end up in more mess and clutter in the kitchen. However, if it is completely unoccupied, cleaning can be done in minutes and without difficulty.

Divide objects by category

Applying Marie Kondo’s rules to organize the kitchen, we must take into account that each object must be divided by category. In other words, you need to provide a unique space for the cutlery, another for the pots, another for the pans, and so on.

Storage and preservation of food

How you store and conserve food has a lot to do with order that reflects the kitchen. In this regard, Kondo makes several recommendations:

  • First, arrange food and spices in airtight pots that, if possible, are clearly visible.
  • Place boxes in the pantry to store and sort food in a more orderly way. That way you’ll always know where to find them.
  • Purchase vegetable containers, preferably glass, to see their contents.

In conclusion, organizing the kitchen according to Marie Kondo…

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