How To Make Your Own Terrarium Lamps At Home

Although they are common if we have reptiles or amphibians as pets, terrarium lamps can also serve to add a touch of exotic decor to our spaces.
How to make your own terrarium lamps at home

One of the most important aspects today is being able to give our pets the proper care. Regardless of the type of animal, it is necessary to be aware of the measures recommended by veterinarians. In the case of amphibians, they need adequate lighting, so here we teach how to make terrarium lamps.

While we often talk about how certain pets, such as dogs or cats, should be cared for, amphibians also need essentials to sustain life. Among these, we can mention:

  • Adequate food
  • A daily routine that fits your lifestyle
  • Lighting that allows for good care of the species.

What are terrarium lamps?

Terrarium lamps

When we talk about terrarium lamps, we are referring to those that emit a certain type of light. Therefore, they are the ones that should be used ​​in the spaces where reptiles live.

The purpose of the light used in these places is that the animal does not feel the radical change that implies not being in its natural habitat.

Decorative lamps for terrariums

Although they are recommended by veterinarians when we have reptiles or amphibians at home, terrarium lamps are also a good option if we want our home to adopt a warm and natural environment.

Due to the simplicity of their designs, the lamps that include small terrariums adapt to any type of space desired. You just have to learn how to play with dimensions, so that everything turns out in the best possible way.

Remember that if you want to include a lamp in your terrarium, whether for decoration or to preserve your pet’s life, you must take care of these elements:

  • The type of light.
  • The amount of ultraviolet rays that the animal in question needs.
  • The necessary care of the plant or the natural elements that we have decided to include in our terrarium.

Elements in terrarium lamps for animals

Terrarium lamps for amphibians

As mentioned earlier, many terrariums are used to recreate the natural environment of certain animals. For this reason, it is very important to take care of the order of the elements we have included and their quality.

If we refer to lamps in terrariums for animals, their background will depend on the type of reptile or amphibian that we keep in space. This is because the way they interact with the lighting positively or negatively influences their development.

Regardless of the use that we intend for our terrarium, it is necessary that we have the appropriate materials to carry it out and that the plants maintain their life over time.

Characteristics of plants used in terrarium lamps

When we use terrarium lamps decoratively, one of the questions we often ask is what kind of plant we should use.

Although the terrarium can have any type of plant, you must remember that if you want to include different species, it is necessary to choose those that maintain similar characteristics. In addition, we must choose plants that keep a small size so that they will come out of the container.

As these spaces are filled with high humidity and dryness, you must be careful. Among the most used plants we can mention ferns, cacti, mosses and jade trees.

homemade terrarium lamp

Preparing a homemade terrarium


  • Glass container the width of a lampshade
  • Light soil with good drainage
  • chosen plant
  • Table lamp with stand
  • Lamp suitable for the plant or animal we want to have in the terrarium
  • decorative stones
  • Activated charcoal


  • First, we must clean the glass container very well and proceed to mix the activated carbon with the small stones mentioned in the list of materials.
  • Next, we will add a small layer of moss, which will ensure that the irrigation water is absorbed and that our container is not oversaturated. Once that’s done, we’ll lay the ground loose.
  • The amount of land we use will depend on the roots of our plants. Typically between three and six inches of soil can be used. Remember to squeeze the earth a little to eliminate the air and thus not harm the surface layer and negatively affect the performance of your terrarium.
  • After all that is done, let’s put the plants we’ve chosen. It is essential to do this very carefully so that they do not suffer serious damage. Once planted, we add the decorative elements and water a little.
  • Finally, let’s close our terrarium with the help of the table lamp. This will go to the top of the glass container. Remember to ensure the union between the two very well, so that watering the plant is a simple process.

Tips to make our lamp a success

So, are you excited to prepare your own terrarium? And stay with us because we have more tips for your home and your well-being.

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