How To Make Vegan Stuffed Mushrooms

This recipe is healthy, balanced and very easy to prepare. It is also suitable for consumption in vegan or vegetarian diets.
How to Make Vegan Stuffed Mushrooms

Vegan stuffed mushrooms are a very versatile and easy to combine recipe, ideal as a main course or light dinner. While many people are in the habit of serving mushrooms stuffed with meat or tuna, today we’re going to share a vegan version using fresh vegetables.

nutritional contributions

Benefits of Zucchini

Benefits of Zucchini
Zucchini has virtually zero fat content, making it interesting for low-calorie or cholesterol-lowering diets.

Zucchini is a very interesting food from a nutritional point of view, as it contains a large amount of essential vitamins and minerals  for the proper functioning of the body.

It also has a very low caloric intake (25 calories per 100 grams), so it is very suitable for reduced calorie diets  or for weight loss. In addition, it has a high content of water, calcium, potassium, magnesium and vitamins B1, C and folic acid.

Among the benefits of consuming zucchini, the following are included:

  • Favors digestion : consuming this food can help improve digestive problems such as constipation, gastritis, heartburn and reflux. It also improves intestinal transit as it contains a significant amount of mucilage, a type of fiber that is beneficial to intestinal health.
  • Diuretic effect : the addition of zucchini recipes to the daily diet is associated with the elimination of excess fluid from the body thanks to its high potassium and low sodium content. They are therefore especially beneficial in the case of high blood pressure, kidney stones or oliguria (low urine output).
  • Regulates cholesterol levels : zucchini is a cholesterol-free food, as it has zero fat, so by including it in our diet we are ingesting a large amount of nutrients without increasing LDL levels (commonly called ‘bad cholesterol’) .

Mushroom Benefits

Mushroom Recipes
Mushrooms can offer many health benefits in controlling glucose, blood pressure and immunity.

Champignon belongs to the group of fresh mushrooms and has a high water content and low calories, just like zucchini.

Among the minerals,  there is  a large amount of potassium, phosphorus and selenium. In the case of vitamins, it is worth mentioning niacin and riboflavin, essential for the proper functioning of the metabolism, as well as folic acid and vitamin C.

The consumption of this vegetable  is associated with the regulation of blood glucose levels, the regulation of blood pressure and the strengthening of the immune system.

Vegan stuffed mushroom recipe

Vegan stuffed mushroom recipe
This recipe can be a fun way to encourage children to eat vegetables.

The stuffed mushroom recipe is easy to follow, quick and simple, ideal for kids to incorporate vegetables into their diet in a fun way. Below, we’ll show you the ingredients you need and the steps you should take.

Ingredients (for 4 servings)

  • 12 big mushrooms
  • 2 medium onions
  • 1 large zucchini
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 2 ripe tomatoes
  • 100 ml of homemade tomato sauce
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • olives
  • salt
  • chili
  • Garlic powder
  • Nutritional yeast (optional)

How to prepare vegan stuffed mushrooms

  • First, wash and clean the mushrooms, remove the stem and  make a hole with the help of a spoon or knife. Reserve the stems.
  • Then wash and cut the two onions, zucchini, carrot and mushroom stalks into long, thin strips.
  • Place a pan over medium heat with extra virgin olive oil, add the vegetables, salt, pepper and garlic powder. Cook until vegetables are tender.
  • Remove from heat, add the previously peeled and sliced ​​tomatoes and a little tomato sauce with nutritional yeast to give it a cheesy flavor (optional).
  • Finally, stuff the mushrooms, place them in a refractory container previously greased with a little oil. Add basil and bake for 40 minutes at 130°C, heating from above and below.
  • Remove the mushrooms from the oven, garnish with chives and they are ready to eat.

You can accompany this recipe with brown rice, quinoa or change the filling by adding soy or seitan; there are many combinations you can try.

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