How To Make Homemade Makeup Removers?

Vaseline is perfect for removing mascara and eye liner. Remember to wash the area with lukewarm water after use to remove excess oil.

It could be because you’ve run out of your makeup cream or because you want to start using more natural products to care for your skin. There are several options to remove makeup without resorting to chemical or purchased products. Discover the most effective homemade make-up removers in this article.

Recommendations for removing your face

It will all depend on how much makeup you put on your face and, above all, which regions are more loaded.

If you’re one of those who wears a lot of mask and eyeliner in your eyes, it’s likely that you’ll need more time to remove your makeup, as most are usually waterproof.

The same can happen with the mouth if the lipstick is of good quality or is well loaded.

For other areas of the face, it can be simpler. Wash well with warm water and mild soap to remove excess makeup and make the job more “thick”, so to speak.

Be aware that this does not completely remove the eyeshadow, blush , foundation, etc., but that you should continue with the cleaning task afterwards.

Also, it won’t take more than a few minutes, and the good news is that the result is a very beautiful, radiant, luminous and clean face.

homemade make-up removers


Never go to sleep with makeup still on your face because, in addition to waking up the next day with spots all over the place, the pores of the face don’t “breathe”. This can lead to oily skin, with more acne or pimples.

Even if you are very tired, you should take five minutes to remove your makeup.

If you wear contact lenses, you need to take them off before you start removing makeup, as the product can get into your eyes and cause irritation or burning, as well as deforming your contact lenses.

Homemade and natural make-up removers

  • Natural yogurt recipe: Apply a layer of yogurt on your face, leave for 10 minutes and remove with a cotton wool or gauze soaked in a little warm water.
  • Warm milk : heat a few tablespoons of milk for a few seconds and moisten a cotton ball. Apply on the face with gentle touches and on the parts where you put more makeup on (like your eyes, for example); press a little harder, but not too hard so as not to irritate or hurt the area. Don’t forget to rinse well after finishing.
natural makeup removers

  • Olive oil: is ideal for women who have dry skin. Simply put a few drops of olive oil on your face and with small massages, spread it out to the sides. Remove with a gauze moistened with warm water. If your face has become too oily, rinse it off with mild soap and warm water. Olive oil is ideal for removing eye makeup, so that this delicate area doesn’t get irritated.
  • Hazelnut Oil: It is for women who have oily skin. It won’t affect the skin type because it won’t make it oilier, but on the contrary, it will neutralize the effect. Apply in the same way as olive oil.

More homemade and natural make-up removers

  • Chamomile and olive oil:  make an infusion of chamomile and let it cool. Moisten the cotton and add a few drops of olive oil. Apply to the face, especially the eyes. It serves to take care of this sensitive region and, in turn, reduce the swelling of dark circles and bags.
makeup removers

  • Almond Oil: As you can see, oils are wonderful homemade makeup removers. In this case, it offers its wonderful moisturizing properties while removing makeup. Fits sensitive eyes. Just put a few drops on a cotton pad and rub directly onto the skin. You can mix it with castor oil to strengthen and lengthen your lashes.
  • Jojoba Oil : Another natural tip for removing makeup in a matter of minutes. Provides smoothness and elasticity to the skin. To apply, mix a tablespoon of jojoba oil with two of water. Moisten the cotton with this mixture and, with gentle, circular massages, remove the makeup.
natural make-up removers for the skin

Latest homemade and natural makeup removers

  • Vaseline : can be an effective homemade make-up remover for the mask and eye liner, because its oil dissolves cosmetics perfectly. Put a little (doesn’t need to be a lot) on gauze, cloth or cotton and gently rub the area where you want to remove the makeup. Because it is quite thick and greasy; you will need to wash your face with warm or hot water afterwards.
  • Canola oil : if you mix it with olive oil, you can remove makeup in seconds. You will need 3 to 4 scoops of each of the oils in a cup. Submerge the cotton and, with gentle massages, you will notice that it will absorb the makeup. Don’t forget to rinse your face after finishing.
  • Strawberries: To make this strawberry make-up remover, you’ll need five large strawberries and three tablespoons of plain yogurt. Mash the fruit and mix with the yogurt. You can hit the blender to make it faster. Apply to face with gentle circular massage and leave for a few minutes. Then remove with water and wipe cotton dampened with warm water for any makeup or mask residue.
  • Yogurt and lemon:  an excellent idea for any skin type. You will simply need to mix a spoonful of plain yogurt with a spoonful of lemon juice. Spread it on the face, neck and even the décolleté, as it will also help you to exfoliate and lighten your skin. Leave for a few minutes and then rinse, removing the residue with cotton.

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