How To Fight The Heat Caused By Menopause

It is recommended to eat soy or its derivatives twice a day. Include it in your diet to avoid hot flashes and fix calcium in your bones.

Women’s biological lives are very active. From the beginning of puberty until its development. After conceiving children, even more changes occur, such as the lactation period. When a woman reaches maturity and everything starts to come into balance, menopause comes with its temperature rises.

What We Should Know About Menopause Heat

We refer to these intense and sudden heats in the face and upper body. Sometimes it can also be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, excessive sweating, nausea, or other similar ailments.

The cause of this suffocation is the drop in estrogens that cause hormonal changes during this period. They can be accentuated if, in addition, the woman leads a sedentary life, smokes, suffers from a lot of stress or obesity.

The frequency and duration depend on each woman. Some may feel this heat for a while until the body finds its new balance, others may suffer from it for almost the rest of their lives.

We must remember that it is necessary to combat the factors that accentuate the symptoms.

Reducing these symptoms is necessary, because they can become very uncomfortable, especially when we have to go to work. They tend to distract, annoy and distract when we perform a task.

There is always the possibility of using hormonal treatments, the bad thing is that with time the problem comes back, that’s why we recommend trying these homemade recipes first.

Recipes against the heats of menopause

Apple vinegar


Apple cider vinegar is in charge of purifying the body, revitalizing it and remineralizing it. It contains more than 30 essential nutrients (large amount of vitamins, fatty acids, mineral salts, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, sodium, zinc, iron, fluorine and others).

Everything the body needs. Helps balance the body’s overall metabolism.


  • 2 tablespoons of unpasteurized pure apple cider vinegar.


  • Take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. It is highly recommended to do this at night.
  • If pure vinegar is difficult to consume, dissolve it in half a glass of warm water, vegetable or fruit juice.


Contains some phytoestrogens that mimic a woman’s natural estrogen. In addition, it has a high concentration of lecithin, which prevents osteoporosis due to its high calcium content, compensating for the loss of bone mass in this stage of the woman.

The perfect foods to add soy to your diet are:

  • Soy milk.
  • Soy lecithin.
  • Soybeans.
  • Soy meat.
  • Tofu.

We recommend consuming two servings of some of these options with soy per day. It can be eaten in the morning to avoid shortness of breath, and in the evening to fix calcium.

If you’ve never eaten these foods, you might find the flavors a bit bland at first, but that’s just a matter of habit.



In addition to containing natural phytoestrogens, sage has stimulant properties. Activates blood circulation and is vasomotor, so it considerably relieves hot flashes.

The most common way to consume sage is in an infusion or wine where the sage flowers have been macerated overnight. If you can’t find dry or fresh sage, the essential oil is just as beneficial.


  • One tablespoon of fresh sage leaves or two teaspoons of fresh sage.


  • Infuse the sage leaves in a cup, adding hot water to approximately 90°C.
  • Cover and let stand for half an hour, then strain.
  • After straining it, it will be ready to drink. Repeat the process three times a day.


When the symptoms of menopause are mild or moderate, flaxseed is very effective. It contains natural phytoestrogens that compensate for estrogen loss and help relieve intense heat.

In addition, it helps to correct constipation and lower cholesterol, so the discomfort will be less during menopause periods and bowel function will be favored.


  • 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds.

How to consume?

  • You can add them to salads, combine them with yogurt, juices or soups. You can also sprinkle over the cheese or jam on your toast.

red clover

It is used to treat hot flashes, reduce cholesterol, improve blood circulation, prevent osteoporosis, reduce shortness of breath, reddened skin and breast discomfort.

Anyone using medication should consult a physician before starting to use red clover. Its use is more common than we think, since it is very present in the food industry as a flavoring.


  • 2 teaspoons of dried red clover.


  • Prepare an infusion, for this, put the clover in a cup and add water at 90 ºC.
  • Cover and let stand for at least 30 minutes. Then strain and it will be ready to drink.
  • Take two to three times a day.

don’t forget the exercise


Exercise is not directly related to heat relief, but it can provide an overall improvement. Relax your mind and revitalize your body. You can choose any type of exercise: aerobic, walking, jogging, dancing, or you can look for a yoga group.

Remember to always dress in multiple layers of clothing, as this will allow you to take off the ones that are uncomfortable when the heat hits.

Also, be very patient with yourself and give these recipes time to work and help fight the heat.

Remember that this is just a part of a woman’s life, so after a few months, everything will return to normal.

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