How To Clean Your Liver To Lose Weight

Did you know that whole grains can decongest the liver? They are rich in vitamin B and help us improve the metabolism of fats, favoring weight loss.
How to clean your liver to lose weight

Keeping your liver healthy and free of toxins is an essential step to gradually lose weight. However, on occasion, eating incorrectly can put our health at risk.

Therefore, we offer simple tips on how to detoxify this organ, take care of the body and lose weight.

Certainly this has happened on more than one occasion. We do everything we can to follow a diet, exercise, and yet the scales show us that we are not losing weight.

Why does it happen? Why doesn’t our body eliminate a single gram of fat?

Many doctors and nutritionists clarify: if we don’t take care of the liver properly, it becomes intoxicated, overloaded and can become too oily. All of this often results in overweight and obesity.

Furthermore, we must not forget that if the liver becomes overloaded, our immune system will begin to weaken and we will suffer from many diseases. It is worth it? Certainly not.

It is also important to remember that obesity in turn promotes a dangerous vicious circle. The accumulation of fat or excess adipose tissue in the body favors the appearance of many liver and cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

In turn, the presence of lipids and toxins in the liver makes it even more difficult to try to lose weight.

It should also be noted that the liver is the main fat burning organ. We need him and the gallbladder to work as a team to process and detoxify the fats. If both are full of toxins, they can never do their job.

Therefore, it is worth applying the following advice to keep both the liver and the gallbladder healthy. In this way, you can lose weight in a healthy way.

1. Avocados


It is extremely beneficial to consume half an average size avocado per day. It is one of the healthiest fruits capable of eliminating toxins from our body, offering healthy fats and cleaning the organism.

Include it in salads or breakfast. Consumed in a moderate way, avocados allow us to lose weight.

2. Whole grains

It is essential to consume bread made from whole grains, wheat, barley, oats, brown rice, etc.

The secret is in the high concentration of B-complex vitamins, which improve the metabolism of fats and liver function, allowing for strengthening and decongesting the liver.

They will help you lose weight and take care of your health at the same time.

3. The benefits of green tea

You certainly already know about the many benefits of green tea. This drink rich in antioxidants helps us to detoxify the body, speed up metabolism and improve liver function thanks to the presence of catechins.

It’s worth having green tea for breakfast or mid-afternoon. It never fails, and it’s a delicious and important medicine that will help you lose weight.

4. The healthy grapes


Green grapes, purple grapes… It doesn’t matter. They are a natural treasure trove of antioxidants that activate bile production and stimulate the liver’s detoxifying function.

They also contain anti-aging properties and protect the heart thanks to their high concentration of a powerful antioxidant, resveratol.

There is no doubt that it is one of the most beneficial fruits for your health.

5. One green apple a day

We have already commented on more than one occasion that green apples are essential to start the day well.

They contain pectin and chemical components that help us eliminate toxins from the digestive tract. All of this facilitates the liver’s work and, as a result, allows us to lose weight.

6. Beetroot and carrot juice

You already know it too. This natural juice, in addition to being tasty, is really healthy. It allows you to lose weight, helps to detoxify and is very rich in flavonoids and beta-carotene.

Beetroot and carrots help to stimulate and improve liver function.

A natural remedy that many people use at least three times a week. Will you be one of those people?

7. Green leafy vegetables

Spinach, kale, watercress, Brussels sprouts, arugula, endive… They are ideal for cleaning the liver.

In addition, its concentration of chlorophyll allows it to absorb toxins from the bloodstream and clean the body very effectively, helping the liver in its vital functions.

8. The curing of olive oil with lemon


We’ve already talked about this simple cure for your mornings at some point. Just take a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil and three drops of lemon juice.

It is able to promote the elimination of toxins, clean the intestine, act as a great digestive and provide important fatty acids and numerous vitamins.

Something so simple and economical will do for you and your health much more than a medicine, taking care of your liver and allowing you to lose weight. Try it!

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