How Feng Shui Can Contribute To Human Life

The key to Feng is always in the right measure, without overdoing it, as it can also have unproductive effects on our emotions.
How Feng Shui can contribute to human life

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese technique. In antiquity, it was practiced to find a place to locate houses and even tombs.

  • The objective was that they could be protected from floods, storms and any harm that could affect them, including the huge heat waves.
  • Over the years, the Chinese have included this technique to organize the interior and exterior of their homes.


What is the Feng Shui technique based on

Order is one of the elements of Feng Shui

The founder of the Western school, Terah Collins, is an expert in the technique of Feng Shui. It explicitly points out as a “study that deals with the organization of our surroundings to improve our quality of life ”.

Therefore, this article focuses on highlighting the contributions that Feng Shui can bring to our lives, understanding that the millenary wisdom of Eastern cultures can be harnessed to our advantage, with lower costs than we imagine.

What things does Feng Shui with its elements offer for a healthy life?

The first thing we should know is that, according to the Feng Shui technique, all people are composed of five elements: metal, fire, wood, water and earth.

Each element has its special meaning and each one of them must be present in our surroundings in the proper way.

the metal

It is an element that has the ability to improve mental acumen, concentration and independence in a person.

  • You can integrate it inside your home in a very simple way, as it can be present in cement objects, tiles, marble caps…

You can also include it in paintings and sculptures created with any type of metal, in arc-shaped, circular and in shades of pastel colors and white.

  • Be careful not to overdo it, as it could develop stubbornness or a lack of commitment or teamwork.

The fire

Fire is one of the elements of Feng Shui

Feng Shui teaches us that this element has the ability to boost qualities such as leadership, and encourage emotional relationships in a healthy way.

  • The fire element can be subtly included in your home lighting. Also with pictures that show people or sunrises, among others.

Also, with leather accessories, with mascots, in shades of orange, brown, red or pink.

  • It is also not recommended to overdo it. If so, it could incite impatience, impulsive and aggressive behavior, and cold emotions in people.

The wood

This element in our lives has the ability to promote intuition, relaxation, creativity and flexibility.

  • We can include it in furniture, in tapestry, in curtains, in landscape paintings, in indoor plants and flowers and in shades of blue or green, things that are related to wood.
  • It is necessary to look for the perfect balance, as if it is found in too much quantity, it can make the weight of responsibilities feel stronger.
  • On the contrary, if your presence is scarce, it can be an obstacle to the flow of creativity and intuitions.

Also read: How to make 5 natural products to clean your wooden furniture

The water

Water is one of the elements of Feng Shui

This is an element that offers relaxation, spirituality, inspiration.

  • You can include it in water sources, with glasses, mirrors, crystals or with pictures that represent it.
  • Now, if it is used in excess, it can reduce productivity and encourage dispersion.
  • If, on the contrary, there is a  shortage of their presence, it can cause stress, anguish, competence among the inhabitants of the house.

The land

This is an element with the ability to increase sensuality, order, physical strength, stability.

  • It is an easy element to include, as it is present in tiles and tiles. Also in clay objects, in rectangular or square shapes, in shades of ocher, yellow and brown.
  • It should be introduced with caution, as its presence in excess creates a withdrawn or conservative atmosphere.
  • Also, its absence can encourage insecurity and chaos.

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